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BJP likely to win in most states in the Indian Assembly Elections 2013

BJP likely to win in most states in the Indian Assembly Elections 2013

The upcoming assembly elections in the capital, Delhi and four other states- Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Mizoram are considered as the semi finals for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. Will the Congress, in spite of the hate wave against it make it to the top, once again or will the BJP snatch away a few states from the Congress? In the wake of the 2013 Assembly Elections, the award-winning astrology web-portal GaneshaSpeaks.com predicts for the two major political parties of India.

BJP Horoscope


BJP is currently under the influence of Sun Mahadasha and Rahu Bhukti. Sun is the Lord of 3rd House and Digbali in the 10th House. Also, Sun is in exchange with the 10th House Lord, Jupiter. 10Th House is the House of prestige and political power. Strong 10th House in BJP’s chart indicates achievement of goals and the fulfillment of aims. Rahu is also strong in the 3rd House. It will be Sun-Rahu-Mercury period at the time of vote counting and assembly results. Mercury is placed in the 9th House in BJP’s chart and strong in the Navamsha and the Dashamsha chart. So, party is likely to perform well in the assembly polls.

The Congress party has been under the influence of Jupiter Mahadasha and Saturn Bhukti. Saturn is the Lord of twelfth House and retrograde in sixth House in inimical sign Leo. Saturn is also placed in the 12th House from natal Moon. So, Saturn’s period has been a very bad phase for the ruling party. So, Congress will be struggling in most of the states in the assembly polls.

However, on the day of vote counting and results, Congress will be under the influence of Mercury Bhukti. Mercury is placed in the 9th House of fortune. So, Congress has better planetary support on the results day. Still, the transiting Saturn and Rahu in the 8th House, may continue to cause problems for them.

Comparing both leading political parties and their leaders’ charts, Ganesha feels that voter base of Congress will decrease significantly in most of the states. Despite that Congress may perform better than the expectations. There will be swing in favour of BJP. Congress may lose power and BJP will emerge victorious in most of the states in the assembly polls.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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