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UAE stands to gain more from Narendra Modi’s recent relations revival visit….

UAE stands to gain more from Narendra Modi’s recent relations revival visit….

“The understanding arrived between Modi and the UAE leadership on the nature of the threat from terrorism, and the measures needed to counter it go much farther, and are far more explicit.” reads the story from a top Indian newspaper. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the UAE – in the capital city of the group of seven Emirates that form the United Arab Emirates or UAE – has risen hopes and eyes both. PM Modi calls the new arrangement with the UAE as a ‘strategic partnership’ with which both the nations hope to counter terrorism and co-operate on security matters. Although, much hasn’t been said about India’s relationship with this critical area, UAE’s relations with Pakistan have always undermined the rapport between India and UAE. Will that get addressed and resolved, given this recent development?
“The new chapter will be marked not just by an even-handed approach by the UAE to India’s disputes with Pakistan, but an unprecedented political endorsement of Delhi’s concerns about violent extremism, and a strong commitment to jointly combat the sources of terrorism in the subcontinent and the Middle East.”

Here, Ganesha looks at the Horoscopes of both India and the UAE to read, analyse and predict what lies ahead. Read on –
Date – 15th August, 1947
Place – Delhi, India
Time – 00.00 A.M


United Arab Emirates
Date of Independence – 02nd December, 1971
Place – Abu Dhabi, UAE
Time – 12.00 P.M.


Astrological Predictions
Considering the planetary positions and the transiting planets in the respective Natal Charts of India and the UAE, Ganesha makes the following observations –

  • Currently Jupiter is transiting through Leo. In UAE’s Horoscope, it is aspecting Mars posited in the Ascendant House and also Mercury and Venus, placed in the 11th House. Incidentally, Venus is the Ascendant Lord in India’s Chart. Jupiter’s current transit shall continue till 11th August, 2016.
  • This planetary transit is likely to enhance investment opportunities for both the counties, on a larger scale. Pending matters/things, which may have not been considered for years together, shall be taken into account , driven towards completion and solid results. Both the countries are also likely to move ahead with mutual cooperation.
  • Ganesha further notes that India is currently under the influence of the major period of Sun and the sub period of Venus. This will be in force till 10th September, 2015. Post this, India will be under the Influence of the major period of the (swagruhi in India’s Chart) Moon. UAE is, right now, under the influence of the major period of Jupiter. This Mahadasha will end and Saturn’s Mahadasha will begin for UAE from 29th April, 2018. Meanwhile, the sub period of Mars will rule for the UAE till 4th December, 2015.
  • The Moon Mahadasha/ Major-period is likely to bring good results for India. The study of Mahadasha in both the Charts confirms that it was the right step on PM Modi’s part to have visted the UAE. The visit shall benefit both the parties, indicate the stars. Both the countries will be benefited by the revival of relations, which will bring focus on economic and commercial issues, immigration systems, air transportation, bringing about solutions to problems in exchange in trade and business sectors as well as for the common people.
  • In addition to this, Saturn has been transiting over Ketu in the 7th House, aspecting Rahu posited in the Ascendant of India Chart. This will continue till January, 2017.
  • In UAE’s Chart, Saturn has been transiting over its Natal Jupiter and Sun, posited in the 10th House, aspecting its Rahu posited in the 12th house, and also the Moon and retrograde Saturn posited in the 4th House. Ketu will be transiting over Mars in the Natal Chart of UAE, post January 2016.
  • Considering the above mentioned planetary placements in UAE’s Chart, Ganesha feels that UAE is currently not in as sound a position as it had been in the past. And, things may get tougher for it after January, 2016.
  • India will be extending its resources to the UAE in its challenging phase. Both counties may also manage to formulate a system for countering terrorism and handling complex security issues. There will be treaties and agreements on extradition, mutual legal assistance in criminal and civil matters, combating trafficking in narcotics, and information cooperation apart from maritime interaction.
  • As aforementioned already, India will have a better planetary support, during the major period of Moon, in-spite of the adverse effects of the ongoing transit of Saturn. Post September 2015, for the next 10 years, India shall be under the Moon Mahadasha.
  • The ongoing transit of Jupiter through Leo will be supportive for India-UAE treaty.
  • Further considering the planetary positions in UAE’s Horoscope, Ganesha feels that UAE is also passing through a period of tense situation. It may not be in a great position to perform well, and its progress may register a relative downfall. Its relations with its allies, specifically neighbours, too may not be very encouraging.
  • The recent treatise between India and the UAE, thus, shall be far more useful for the UAE in the coming years.

Ganesha wishes peace and good times ahead for both India and the UAE.

With Ganesha’s Grace
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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