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Future developments in USA and Pakistan

Future developments in USA and Pakistan

Elections in USA and OBAMA
The 2008 United States presidential election is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 and Democrat Party’s nominee Barack Obama who is bidding to be the first non-white US president and the Vietnam war hero John Mccain of the Republicans are at the moment involved in a pitching battle for garnering votes through their respective no holds barred campaigns. Obama’s Ascendant is Capricorn as per the time shown in Obama’s birth certificate released recently. On the date of the vote, Saturn will be in Scorpio Navmansa which is not an encouraging sign for the Democrat. Therefore, Obama might face an unexpectedly tough resistance from his opponent. Nevertheless, the Illinois Senator is running a Jupiter-Moon-Mercury period which will be helpful to him a great deal. The election date is also in Obama’s favour and that gives him a distinct edge over his conservative rival. However, as many past US elections have shown, complacency or taking victory for granted at any stage of the campaign can bring about disastrous results and Obama must remain mindful of that. Otherwise his dream of changing the course of the history of his nation will be placed under serious jeopardy -more so because the placement of Mars in Obama’s chart looks threatening in the context of his security. He should never ignore his safety and must step up the security arrangements around himself until the end of the elections and also during the Jupiter-Mars period that will be effective from March 25, 2009 to March 01, 2010. The period looks highly stressful for him during which he might have to face situations where his political skills and personal courage will be severely tested. Obama is now entering into a crucial phase of his life that portends to be a strange mix of success and tough challenges.

Future developments in USA
From mid-January 2009 we may see some new developments taking place in USA. The hard aspects of Saturn describes the fruition of feelings of anger and the consequent aggression which might have their roots in the days long gone by. The recently witnessed period of blatant political hypocrisy has nearly come to the end now and the inevitable changes in collective thinking will be seen in the new leadership of the country. Issues related to Iran, Israel and Pakistan may come to the fore forcefully between June and August 2009 and it may compel the American leadership to take steps that could change the country’s present image of being the ‘policeman of the world’. In the process the so-called “War against Terrorism” may have , perhaps, a completely new look. Political and military equations may change dramatically. The period between November 2009 to February 2010 will be very eventful or even momentous for the country and there will be significant changes in America’s foreign policy. In short, USA is on the verge of the beginning of a new era in its internal and external politics and that might change the entire global scenario in the next couple of years.

Pervez Musharraf and Pakistan
The transiting Rahu in Taurus Navmansa may cause many problems for the former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf. Adding up of this five transiting planets aligned in sign Capricorn on January 2009 will cause cause him to face severe problems. The period between January 27, 2009 to March 5, 2009 will be critical for him. He should be very careful about his personal safety and he must religiously avoid going to places where he could be an easy target of his enemies’ attacks. Even if he he were able to survive through this phase, he is in for facing tough conditions between July 12, 2009 to December 2009. A politician that he is, he will try to regain power and establish his authority through back door tactics with the help of his allies and will want to make his presence felt in Pakistan politics. However, all those tactics could easily backfire and his situation could become even more vulnerable. Musharraf may take decision about his next move between September 2, 2008 and October 12, 2008. Incidentally, the chances of his relocation are very bright. He should choose a safe destination for himself as the period till December 2009 looks rather difficult for him if he remains in Pakistan.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,

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