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Decisive period for Dalai Lama begins

Decisive period for Dalai Lama begins

The spiritual and political leader of Tibet His Holiness Dalai Lama has hit the headlines of national and international media. The world’s famous Buddhist monk, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso has criticized China’s policy over Tibet. However, he has upheld a moderate approach on Beijing Olympic 2008, which was opposed by many protesters of Tibet. Ganesha would like to say something on this holy man.

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The Spiritual Leader of Tibet Dalai Lama has Gemini Ascendant and the Ascendant Lord Mercury placed in the Ascendant itself makes the chart strong. Mercury is placed in the 9th house (house of religious belief) of Navmansa chart makes him well versed in Philosophy and indicating vast knowledge of religion. Saturn, the planet symbolizing spiritual authority, is placed in the Ninth House of religion in philosophical sign Aquarius and making trine with Sun and Jupiter. The Sun-Jupiter-Saturn trine indicating that he is blessed wisdom, internal peace and spiritual excellence.

In my earlier article I have clearly mentioned that the Mars in Gemini might become a cause of concern. And he is in focus of international politics and media from all over the world due to Tibet agitation. He is currently under the influence of Saturn Mahadasha and Saturn Bhukti and Saturn is the Lord of 9th house well placed and forming Rajayoga in his chart. In D-10 chart, Saturn is placed in the 10th house. So undoubtedly he is passing through a very significant period of his life as a leader of Tibet. He will be under the influence of Saturn-Saturn-Ketu period from 31st May 2008. Ketu is debilitated and Vargottama placed with Sun. He is also passing through the middle phase of Sadeshati and the transiting Saturn is approaching the natal Moon. The transiting Saturn would conjunct natal Moon in August this year just before the opening ceremony of Bejing Olympics. He would also be under the influence of Mars return phase during the month of August this year.

Dalai Lama will feel more impelled to take a stronger line. Although due to aspect of transiting Jupiter on Ascendant he is continuously asking the Tibetian protesters to follow Ahimsa, he will feel more provoked to take a stronger line between June and August 2008. He will be more outspoken. In fact it’s a time for him to redefine his individuality and to break free from restraint and compromises. Beijing is not a safe place for him to visit.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Hitendra H Thakor,

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