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Controversial statements may keep Digvijaya Singh under the spotlight, says Ganesha

A prominent politician and General Secretary of the Indian National Congress, Digvijaya Singh has been an integral part of the contemporary Indian national politics. In his political career of more than three decades, Mr. Singh has held some important offices, one of them being the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. For the past few years, he has been rendering his services as one of the able administrators of his party.Despite his notable achievements as a politician, Mr. Digvijaya Singh often draws more attention for his remarks and comments than for his contribution in the current political scenario. Mr. Singh is once again in the limelight for his controversial comment about fellow politician Meenakshi Natarajan.

Do planetary influences make him say wrong things at a wrong time? Will he continue to be as influential as he used to be? Will his presence at the top will make a difference to his party in the upcoming elections? Ganesha, with the help of Vedic Astrology, tries to find answers to these questions and takes a sneak peek into the future of Mr. Digvijaya Singh and his political career.

Mr. Digvijaya Singh
28th February, 1947
Indore, India


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  • Currently Saturn and Rahu are transiting in a close proximity to his Natal Jupiter and Ketu, whereas Jupiter is transiting close to his Natal Moon and Rahu. The last few years has been quite challenging and strenuous for him. There were some ups and downs in his political career, and currently his political career is at a crossroads. The planetary positions suggest that his adversaries may try to tarnish his image, as he is prone to controversy and criticism. His Natal Mercury is debilitated, hence some of his remarks or decisions may backfire, creating unnecessary political controversy.
  • Sun and Mars are posited together in his Natal chart, and Venus and Saturn have exchanged their individual aspect in his Surya Kundali. Hence, he is destined to have a good number of followers. Rahu and Moon are placed together within the closest degree, hence he may not concentrate on a particular work, and may have wavering mind. Weak Mercury in his Natal Chart has probably given him a ‘slip of tongue’-like trait. Saturn is currently transiting through an exalted Sign in Libra. Therefore, he will become more influential and in the next General Election, he is going to play pivotal a role as Congress Party’s Spokesperson.
  • Rahu and Ketu transit through the Aries and Libra nodal axis is going to sour his relationship with political opponents, and he may have to deal with vitriolic verbal attacks from the people of opposition party. However, transit of the exalted Saturn and Rahu is likely to make him more assertive and active in the political arena in the days to come. However, he needs to tread very carefully, feels Ganesha. He is likely to continue with his mission to strengthen his party and spread its realm to the remotest parts of India. Jupiter is going to cast its beneficial effect on his endeavours, but soon he will realize that he is on a tricky and sticky path, which is rather challenging to march on. Since Ketu is currently transiting in a close proximity to his Natal Mercury, he may make comments that would invite strong criticism from the opposition and land him into an unpleasant situation.
  • A combination of Sun and combusted Mars in his Natal chart is behind his fiery personality, whereas a debilitated and retrograde Mercury gives him his political willpower and acumen. However, due to retrogression and debilitation of Mercury, Mr. Singh is likely to create enemies by making controversial statements or miscommunication. The lack of self-control while commenting on a particular subject can be attributed to Mars. When Mars comes in relation with a powerful and fiery planet like Sun (the ruler), the person may become a braggart and consider himself too superior. A King sets the laws for others to follow, but doesn’t believe that he should also follow them. Hence, Digvijaya Singh may have uncanny proclivity to cross the domain of the righteousness and creating controversies. It will be rather difficult for him to remain taciturn and tongue-tied.
  • Saturn is retrograde and placed in a watery Sign in his natal chart and it receives direct aspect from friendly Venus. Hence, he will have mass following, will continue to exert his influence and make his presence felt in the national level politics. He may require to fine tune his strategies and plans for better implementation.

  • In spite of the planetary effects and its odds on him, Mr. Singh will continue to exert his influence over masses and in States where he has a strong political base. He is going to play a key role in determining the vote bank for his party, feels Ganesha. Till the end of 2014, his political path will be strewn with thorns, though. But, he is going to brave all the odds and emerge as a leading politician of his party. It goes without saying that 2014 is going to be very crucial for him, as far as his political career is concerned.
  • The transiting Jupiter’s aspect on the Saturn and Rahu will give Digvijay Singh mileage to put forth his logic and fortify his political influence. He may also get a chance to consolidate his political base.
  • The Ketu and Rahu transit may embitter his relations with his political adversaries, and he may be dragged into uncalled-for controversies. However, he will be the cynosure of attention in the mainstream politics.
  • Saturn’s transit through the exalted Sign of Libra is going to give him a position of authority, but he will have to deal with a fierce resistance from the people of opposition party. This can be because of the influence of Rahu and Ketu.
  • Till the end of 2014, Mr. Singh needs to exercise restraint in his speech or else be ready to welcome trouble and defamation. The combination of Saturn and Rahu combination till the middle of 2014 is going to play a vital role in his political career, and will set the path of both prosperity and controversy. It will be interesting to see, as to which path he chooses for himself.

While we all shall have to wait to see whether UPA – 3 will be a reality, Mr. Singh will remain a strong pillar to his party for sure, says Ganesha. He is going to enjoy blessings and patronage from the ‘High Command’ of Congress party for his role and initiatives. He needs to cash in the situation, which may favour him in the coming days. One may hate him or love him, no one can ignore him or his presence in the mainstream Indian politics. He is going to play a very important role in the coming 2014 General Elections.

We wish Mr. Digvijaya Singh all the best.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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