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Conflict between India and Pakistan:How Far?

Conflict between India and Pakistan:How Far?

November 26, 2008 has left indelible memories on the minds of all Indians. It was the day on which posh hotels of Mumbai were captured by terrorists and many people massacred. Terrorism is raising its head now with more boldness. So, naturally the question arises as to how the Indian government plans to handle this problem and demonstrate to the people of India that it means business this time around. Ganesha tries to find the answer by having a close view of Natal chart of India and planetary transits involved.

Here, one interesting phenomenon in terms of Astrology has taken place. Saturn transiting through Leo entered the constellation “Uttara Phalguni” on 26/11. This is ruled by Sun itself who is lord of the sign Leo as well. Mars, the Lord of the sign Scorpio in the 7th house of Natal chart was transiting therein in combust mode. Mars remains combust till around 13th of February. Mars formed a square aspect with Saturn transiting through Leo. Mars changed sign to enter a fiery sign Sagittarius around 19th of December. Sane voices have risen here onwards. Even though Sagittarius is a fiery sign, thinking of a war cannot be contemplated here. The important transit now is the transit of the planet of communication Mercury through Capricorn.

The sign Capricorn rules the meridian in the Natal chart of Indian independence. Mercury gets retrograde in Capricorn around 11th January 2009 and remains retrograde till around the end of the month. Mars enters Capricorn around the 27th of January. People in India are likely to become more vocal and press for some stringent action to combat the problem of terrorism.

Ganesha feels that the period when Mercury remains retrograde i.e. from around 11th January till 13th February looks critical. Any precipitated action, which comes from India may be backed by others and is envisaged around this time frame. However, this may not be the end of the story. This conflict and acts of insurgency/terrorism is likely to remain alive for some time to come. The lasting solution is not to come forth in the near future Ganesha feels. Saturn will take more than a year to pass through the constellation “Uttara Phalguni.” Perhaps we are heading for tough times in the year 2009 and some part of year 2010.

Ganesha had earlier predicted about the rise in terrorist activity for 2009 and a law may come into existence to curb the same. Unfortunately this has come true earlier than expected.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bharat Trivedi

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