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Parivartana Maharajyogas, A Powerfully Placed Sun: The Highlights of Rajaji’s Natal Chart!

Parivartana Maharajyogas, A Powerfully Placed Sun: The Highlights of Rajaji’s Natal Chart!

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari is one of the most luminous names in the history of the Indian Freedom Struggle. Informally and respectfully called Rajaji by multitudes of people, this extremely virtuous man with a sterling character was one of most versatile leaders having donned various hats. He is most famously known as the last Governor General of India. Other than this, he was the Governor of West Bengal, leader of the Indian National Congress, Premier of the Madras Presidency, Minister of Home Affairs of the Indian Union and the Chief Minister of Madras State. Being an excellent and accomplished writer, he made everlasting contributions to the world of English Literature. Having extraordinary influence, clout and goodwill, Rajaji enjoyed a great flourish in his political career and always was looked upon with great regard and reverence by his contemporaries. He was one of the prominent leaders, waging the non-violent and important war of freedom against the Britishers. Rajagopalachari founded the Swatantra Party and was one of the first recipients of India’s highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna. His birthday falls on the 10th of December, and we pay him a heartfelt tribute, specially crafted by Ganesha, on this special occasion. Read on….

Date of Birth:- 10th December 1978
Time of Birth:- 05.20
Place of Birth:- Salem, Tamil Nadu


The Planetary Portrait of the Stalwart…

  • Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was born in Scorpio Ascendant and the lord of the Ascendant Mars is placed in the 12th House in his Natal Chart.
  • The Sun, as the Lord of the 10th House of power, fame, authority, prestige, status, honour, sitting in the Ascendant along with Venus – the Lord of the 2nd and 7th House blessed him with great glory and prominence in his chosen field. This placement gave him royal and kingly qualities and extraordinary leadership and administrative potential. This is one of the most ideal placement of the Sun for great success in politics and public life and Rajaji was indeed a blessed soul to have been gifted with this placement. The Sun-Venus combination in the Ascendant made him a very ambitious and target-oriented person.
  • As always mentioned by Ganesha, the Rajayogas – be it the Panch Mahapurusha Yogas or the Parivartana Maharajogas, play a great, though not compulsory role in propelling a person towards absolute greatness and fame! And, even Rajaji’s Natal Chart doesn’t betray this view of Ganesha! His Horoscope has two Parivartana Maharajyogas! The first one is between the Lord of the Ascendant Mars and the Lord of the 2nd and 7th House – Venus! This exchange, even more interestingly takes place in connection with the Ascendant House!
  • The second one is the exchange of Houses between Jupiter and Saturn, who happen to be the Lords of the 2nd House – 5th House and 3rd House – 4th House. Both these Yogas conferred upon him tremendous capabilities and talent and ensured that his talents got applied appropriately. The exchange between Jupiter and Saturn can be attributed for his brilliant writing and knowledge of literature.
  • The Parivartan Yog between Jupiter and Saturn made him a lawyer, independence activist, politician, writer and statesman. He was a sincere nationalist and passionate patriot, a man whose powerful intellect and moral sense added depth to national affairs. He had held the highest positions and variation to every office.
  • The placement of Mercury gave him an outstanding ability to express his views in words – be it written or the spoken ones. This placement gave him a great ability to present his opinions and thoughts in a very convincing and pleasant manner and gave him the brain of a diplomat!

May Mahatma Rajagopalachari’s soul rest in peace and may his glory eternally enchant people.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Kashyap Rawal
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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