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Aung Sang Syuu Kyi Myanmar Political Woman Leader Astrological Profile

If you want to know how power and politics influence, just take this sample Social Democratic politician, State Counselor of Myanmar, National League leader in the President’s Cabinet, Minister of Democracy and Foreign Affairs! Here the details of several persons are not presented at once, rather a woman has held all these positions. The name of this great woman is Aung San Suu Kyi. She holds the power and status equal to that of the Prime Minister in Myanmar! His father’s name is Aung San, who founded the modern Burmese army and negotiated Burma’s independence from the United Kingdom in 1947. Suu Kyi’s mother Khin Kayi rose to prominence as a political figure following the formation of the new Burmese government. Khin was appointed as the ambassador of Burma to India and Nepal in 1960. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi. Suu Kyi did her further studies at St Hugh’s College, Oxford and earned degrees in philosophy, political science and economics. Internal conflict, political upheaval, detention, detention, suffering, imprisonment, protests, violence, unrest, civil agitation, political campaigns, elections, etc. are all situations Suu Kyi has seen! Currently, Aung San Suu Kyi is a prominent politician fighting for the establishment of democracy in Myanmar (Burma).

At this time Sue’s stars seem to be in her favor. A new era would usher in Burma under his leadership, otherwise there would have been political instability in Myanmar. So, through this special astrological article, let’s try to find out what their stars have to say about this steely lady.

Aung San Suu Kyi
Birthday: June 19, 1945
Place of BirthRangoon (Yangon), Myanmar

Surya Kundli

Suu Kyi and the Stars:

Role of the Sun Planet
In this Burmese politician’s horoscope, the Sun is posited in Gemini along with the mighty Mercury. This shows that she is a very strict, hardworking, conscientious woman and with high moral standards. Suu Kyi is quite successful in expressing her thoughts and principles intelligently.

Charismatic factor
Venus in conjunction with Mars in Aung San Suu Kyi’s horoscope makes him a charismatic leader, who has a great influence on the people of his country. He has followers all over the world. This indicates that they have magnetic force, inherent power and a great source of energy. Committed to putting your ideas into practice. Apart from this, it is worth mentioning that Mars is sitting in his own sphere i.e. Aries in his horoscope. Due to this perseverance and physical strength, she has been able to face so many challenges in her life so far.

According to the principles of Jupiter-
Jupiter is Atmakaraka in his horoscope. Because of this, he is an honest and dedicated leader, who has followed the path of truth, honesty and non-violence throughout his life.

Conflicts, Challenges and Imprisonment:
However, life has never been easy for Aung San. In his horoscope, Sun is situated with Saturn. This gives them perseverance, self-discipline, organizational skills and the ability to use available resources in the most effective manner.

Ambition can act as a driving force for their personality. Once it is clear about its objectives and goals, carefully crafted plans and effective execution can help them achieve their goals. But, on the other hand, this planetary position is also indicating conflict and oppression on the part of the ruling class and officials. This pro-democracy leader remained under house arrest for almost several decades, which is a negative aspect of these planetary combinations.

Unfavourable Planetary Configuration:
There is also a conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in Gemini. It should also be noted here that there are two doshas or negative combinations present simultaneously in their horoscope. This combination is Sun-Rahu conjunction and Saturn-Rahu conjunction. The negative energy generated by these two doshas created serious obstacles in their path by affecting their peace of mind. When these planets are in conjunction, the combined effect of the powers of these planets is very intense as well as negative. This is the reason why their life is always full of conflict and disturbance due to these unfavorable combination of planets.

Top Honors and Recognitions:
Planets continue to present challenges to humans. If these challenges are met with perseverance and courage, there are great rewards. Indeed, Aung San has gained international fame by winning the Rafto Prize, the Sakharov Prize, the Nobel Peace Prize and the Jawaharlal Nehru Award by the Government of India. Apart from being an honorary citizen of many countries including Canada, she is also a respected member of the Member of Elders.

Stars of luck in the coming months:
Presently Jupiter of transit is transiting over Jupiter of his birth. Once a political prisoner, Suu Kyi is now the state’s counsellor, with her new role being that of prime minister.

The peaceful transfer of power by them and the effort of national reconciliation will help their country to step into the new era.

Although the transiting Jupiter will be constantly in favour of Aung San Suu, yet their efforts to rebuild the country by him will be nothing less than a virtuous task. Surely they will start afresh. Many important questions like poverty, and education attainment in the country will have to be resolved. During the year 2017, Saturn transiting in Sagittarius will create many obstacles in their path. After June 2017, there may be a lot of trouble in handling the issues related to the sharing of power. Apart from this, their health may become a matter of concern during the year 2017.

With the blessings of Ganeshji,

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