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Transiting Mars will push Asaduddin to strenghten his party’s base even in other states…

Transiting Mars will push Asaduddin to strenghten his party’s base even in other states…

… And, due to the Mars-Mercury configuration, his brand of politics may mostly revolve around sensationalism and rebellious rhetoric.
Born to Sultan Salahuddin Owaisi and Najamunnisa, Asaduddin Owaisi is the eldest amongst the three brothers. Politics seems to be present in the genes of the Owaisi household, as it has given 3 of the most prominent politicians – Asaduddin himself, Asaduddin’s father Salahuddin (one of the former Presidents of the AIMIM) and brother Akbaruddin, who have gained considerable fame in the southern state of Telangana (formerly Andhra Pradesh). Currently, the MP from the Hyderabad constituency in the Lok Sabha, Asaduddin somehow manages to be in the news with his strong statements which are mostly sensational or controversial in nature. His statement in a public rally in Maharashtra, wherein he spoke about his freedom of speech/expression and the slogan – ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai” have not gone down too well and have raked up a fresh controversy. Well, what do the planets have to say about this influential politician? Will he be able to expand the base of his party in other states too? How will things pan out for him politically? Let’s get to know from Ganesha.

Asaduddin Owaisi
13th May, 1969
Hyderabad, Telangana, India


[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of the Owaisi, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth-date and birth-place only.]

  • Ganesha notes that the AIMIM chief has Sun-Saturn conjunction in Aries, the sign ruled by Mars. The Sun and Saturn have conflicting tendencies. They are inimical to each other and thus a native who has this combination in his Chart is bound to be extremely hard-working. The natives with this placement generally develop a sense of ambition due and a greater understanding of the worldly matters due to the influence of their fathers. It also makes him self-expressive and gives him assertive drives.
  • On a positive note, this conjunction gives him a highly developed sense of duty, tremendous powers, and a capacity for hard work and persistent effort. It gives him a strong desire to build and to control or govern his organization efficiently, aggressively and effectively. He would be highly goal-oriented and objective.
  • Mars is retrograde and aspecting the Mercury. So, he has strong self esteem and also the tendency of criticizing or judging his opposition harshly. Such tendencies often reflect in his speech and ‘penchant’ for controversies.
  • He also has Jupiter-Ketu conjunction. The retrograde Jupiter with Ketu in his Chart indicates that he has very strong religious beliefs and great knowledge. He would be highly philosophical as well. As Jupiter is retrograde, his actions, interpretations and statements are often termed as controversial.
  • Ganesha notes that on the day on which Owaisi talked about the slogan and his preference, the Moon was transiting in opposition to Mars and Saturn and even the other important planets – Mercury(communication), the Sun and Venus, were all in conjunction with the malefic Ketu. Thus, due to the negative planetary influences got a triggered a fresh controversy.
  • Currently, the transiting Mars is moving over the natal Mars. So, he will take decisive steps to expand his base in Indian politics. He will be taking the initiative, and may work hard to bring results. Putting forth his strong views aggressively and in a straightforward manner, Owaisi may succeed in driving the message home and also inspiring the members of his party and the associated cadres to put in more efforts to expand the party base.
  • He might feel the need to take charge or lead his Party with more aggression and enthusiasm. In this process, He might look too pushy or forceful. As the transiting Saturn is passing through the 8th house from natal Sun and Saturn, his actions will be confrontational and controversial in nature.
  • However, the transiting Jupiter is aspecting the Natal Sun and Saturn. So, he will be able to attract and gather support from various quarters of the society who believe in his ideology and methodology. So, he will remain in lime light till mid August 2016.
  • The transiting Jupiter will be moving over the natal Jupiter post 11th August, 2016. It will also aspect the Natal Venus, which is exalted. So, he will be able to expand his Party’s presence beyond the southern states. However, the transiting Saturn in Scorpio may restrict his progress. Nevertheless, he will become one of the most influential Muslim leader in Indian politics in the days to come, feels Ganesha.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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