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Will Arvind Kejriwal manage to keep people’s trust intact? Finds Ganesha on Delhi CM’s birthday…

Will Arvind Kejriwal manage to keep people’s trust intact? Finds Ganesha on AAP Head’s birthday…

The inimitable reigning Chief Minister of Delhi and the Aam Aadmi Party supremo, Arvind Kejriwal turns a year older on 16th August. The enthusiastic leader, an ex-IITian and an ex-Civil Services personnel, Kejriwal who used to be a follower of Anna Hazare, has remained surrounded by controversies, ever since he joined the political bandwagon. His path has remained chequered as the Delhi CM too. The young shotgun had quit his CM seat in early 2014, after reigning India’s heart for a mere 49 days, which naturally brought him a plenty of flak. But, people trusted him and his young political party yet again, making Kejriwal the Chief Minister of Delhi for the second time in 2015. In the contest, Kejriwal toplled the ex-AAP -mate and BJP candidate Kiran Bedi. However, post his landmark victory, AJ’s journey has not been easy, and he has still remained embroiled in issues. What planetary positions have helped this political nobody (till a few year ago), the Nayak of the Indian politics, acquire such a stupendous stature? And yet, what influences keep pulling him down? And, more importantly, when can we expect the scenario to get better for Arvind Kejriwal? Ganesha looks at the Solar Horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal to analyse the starry picture and predict the way ahead for him….

Arvind Kejriwal
Date of Birth :- 16th August, 1968
Time of Birth :- Not Known
Place of Birth :- Siwani, Haryana, India


[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth time of the celebrity, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth date and birth place only.]

  • In Arvind Kejriwal’s Solar Chart, the Sun is in its last degree in the Zodiac Sign Cancer with Mars.
  • Sun’s conjunction with Mars in the Water Sign Cancer can be one of the main reasons, behind Kejriwal’s impassioned and intense leadership pull. This planetary position, besides making Kejriwal an impressive leader, gives him a keen sense and insight, but it also is liable to make him short tempered, hasty and somewhat egoistic.
  • Jupiter, Mercury and Venus placed in the Zodiac Sign Leo in Kejriwal’s Chart lend him his ambitiousness, and bestow him with public admiration and fame.
  • In his Chart, Rahu is placed in the Rewati Nakshtra (ruled by Mercury), and this is considered as a favourable factor, as per Vedic Astrology. This favoirable placement may be held as one of the key reasons behind Kejriwal bagging an international award like Ramon Magsaysay Award.
  • Kejriwal’s Solar Chart, unfortunately, has retrograde Saturn present in the Zodiac Sign Aries. This makes him hasty and may be held responsible for some of the wrong decisions he took. Saturn is in its Sign of debilitation, and also retrograde, and hence, is very weak for him. This factor may keep creating troubles for him, and the public support for him may keep diminishing, every now and then, as a result.
  • Arvind Kejriwal also has a Kalsarpa Yoga/Dosha in his Solar Horoscope, which tends to result in bad news, from time to time, for him. Owing to this Dosha only, Kejriwal may never have received the results, which he deserves, despite putting in tremendous hard work. Other people around him may keep taking away his credit, given this placement, says Ganesha.

  • Considering the planetary transits, Ganesha feels that Arvind Kejriwal’s position as the Chief Minister of Delhi seems to be under the mixed influence of transiting Jupiter and Saturn, which may be safe and progressive, but there may be a lot of difficulties and hindrances in his path, till 11th August, 2016.
  • Jupiter will be transiting over his Mercury, Jupiter and Venus posited in the 2nd House, which will be aspecting his retrograde and debilitated Saturn, posited in the 10th House of his Solar Chart. Also, Saturn’s transit will be aspecting the planets posited in the 2nd House of his Solar Chart, till January 2017. Hence, he will remain disturbed due to internal conflicts as well as external political pressures.
  • He may also find it hard to control the workers of his “Aam Aadmi Party” and also the opposition party. He will be in a jeopardised situation which will not allow him to maintain cordial relations.
  • He may not be able to take care of his health, which might affect his progress graph, as the Chief Minister of Delhi and also as a political leader.
  • Rahu–Ketu will be in half return phase till January 2016, and thereafter, Rahu will be transiting through Leo Sign, over the Stellium of planets in the 2nd House of his Solar Chart. This will increase the adverse influence of Saturn on his endeavours. This will also diminish his controlling power, tolerance power, confidence and decision power. He will find himself weaker against the opposition parties.
  • He will have to unwillingly compromise on certain issues to maintain his position. He will always be surrounded by various types of problems and difficulties during the year ahead.
  • He may also face a stressful period in his personal life.

Ganesha wishes well for Arvind Kejriwal.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay and Kashyap Rawal
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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