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As the planets are adversely aligned currently, Shourie is advised to control his impulse!

As the planets are adversely aligned currently, Shourie is advised to control his impulse!

Such statements and remarks by Shourie may be the general trend till around January 2016, says Ganesha!
Arun Shourie is a BJP Leader, who has enjoyed a lot of popularity and influence and earned a lot of fame for the great measures he took as the then Finance Minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee led NDA Govt. But in the recent times, he has been courting controversy too often and has been landing into hot-soup with the party leadership. Many say that the wayward behaviour from such a veteran and experienced leader is just a part of the gimmicks to grab some attention or is a way to express his dissatisfaction of not being given a role in the Central Cabinet. What exactly is the problem? What do the planets indicate? Check out in the article….

Arun Shourie
Date of birth :- 02nd November , 1941
Birth Time :- Not Known
Place of Birth :- Jalandhar, Punjab, India


[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of Shourie, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth-date and birth-place only.].

Important Astrological Predictions :-

  • Ketu will be transiting over his Natal Mars in the Sign of Pisces, till January 2016. After this period, Rahu will be transiting over his Natal Rahu in the Leo sign and Ketu will pass over his Natal Ketu.
  • Saturn will be aspecting his Natal Jupiter and Saturn in the Sign of Taurus and will also be aspecting his Natal Rahu during the entire year ahead.

Astrological Predictions :-

  • Ganesha notes that Arun Shourie is currently under the adverse influence of the transits of Saturn and Ketu which makes him irritable and these planetary influences may even be clouding his thinking and understanding. His unsatisfied desires and ambitions may be instigating him to make controversial statements. It is seen in most cases that when the thinking is eclipsed, then a lot of consequent problems take place. This is the same thing happening with even a person of Shourie’s stature.

Important Astrological Predictions :-

  • Jupiter will be transiting over his Rahu, and will be aspecting his Venus in the Sign of Sagittarius, till 11th August, 2016. It will also be aspecting his Ketu in Aquarius in his Solar Chart.

Astrological Predictions :-

  • It seems that there are very less chances of Shourie getting some important position or portfolio in the central cabinet currently. His political career may get revived post 11th August, 2016, the time when Jupiter will be transiting through the Virgo sign in his solar chart for around an year.

Important Astrological Predictions :-

  • Ketu will be transiting over his Mars in Pisces, till January 2016. After this, Rahu-Ketu will be transiting over his Natal Rahu-Ketu in the signs of Leo and Aquarius respectively.
  • Saturn will be aspecting his Jupiter and Saturn in the Sign of Taurus, and it will also be aspecting his Rahu during the entire year ahead.

Astrological Predictions :-

  • Rahu–Ketu and Saturn will prove to be obstructive and adverse factors in for Arun Shourie in the entire year ahead, and will resultantly have a negative impact on his political career. He will often be making such statements till January 2016 and thus such behavioural patters shouldn’t be much surprising. He will have to face some problems or differences of opinion with the BJP high command, post this time frame.

Ganesha wishes good luck to Arun Shourie.If you are also worried about your career, then get solution from our experienced astrologers now!

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks.com Team

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