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Saturn’s grinding influence may slow down things for Ananth Kumar in 2016…

Saturn’s grinding influence may slow down things for Ananth Kumar in 2016…

Ananth Kumar is one of the most prominent of the BJP. It would be interesting to note that Ananth has been elected for six consecutive times as an MP from Bengaluru South! The Karnataka politico, has had a lot of say in the policy-making process of the BJP and after the landslide victory of the BJP-led NDA alliance, he was alloted the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. Formerly, in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee led government, he handled various ministries like Tourism, Sports & Youth Affairs, Culture, Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation and Civil Aviation. In this article, Ganesha glances through his stars and predicts the way ahead…

Ananth Kumar – Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers
Date of Birth: 22nd July, 1959
Time of Birth: Not Known
Place of Birth: Bangalore, Karnataka, India


[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of Ananth, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth-date and birth-place only.]

  • Jupiter will be transiting in the Sign of Leo and its inter-relation with the Natal planets will be as under:

1. Transit over Natal Mars and Venus in Leo
2. 5th House Aspect over Natal Saturn

  • Saturn will be transiting through the Sign of Scorpio and its inter-relation with the Natal planets will be as under:

1. 10th House Aspect on Natal Mars and Venus in Leo
2. 3rd House Aspect on Natal Moon in Capricorn

  • Rahu will be transiting over Mars and Venus in the Leo sign for a period of 18 Months.

  • Ananth Kumar will be under the negative influence of transiting Rahu and Saturn during the year ahead. He will be under the positive influence of transiting Jupiter till 11th August, 2016.
  • The stars indicate that transiting Ketu may weaker him in his efforts and transiting Saturn may delay his scheduled/planned strategies which in turn instigate him to commit mistakes. This may effect his popularity and image as a reputed minister of the cabinet. It may bring down his political image as a senior figure of the ministry.
  • The entry of Rahu into the Sign of Leo will bring some problems for the seasoned politico. The shadowy planet Rahu transiting over his Natal Mars and Venus indicates that his leadership potential and ability to negotiate in important matters will get affected. In some cases it will also be possible that despite of his being clear in his dealings, there may be misunderstandings with people under him.
  • There will be a dual affliction to his Natal Mars and Venus which will be caused by transiting Rahu and Saturn. Moreover, both thes former planets are placed in the Sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Karaka of politics – the Sun, and due to this, Ananth may feel the heat more.
  • There is nothing much to worry about, as the ever-generous Jupiter will provide the protective shield to him because of which he may remain unscathed and unperturbed. The only period that the minister will have to be more cautious and alert is between 12th August, 2016 and 26th January, 2016. He may have to pay the price because of the mistakes of others in this period.
  • Due to this dual affliction, Ananth Kumar may not be able to take decisions as promptly as he generally can. Things may seem to be a bit confusing. Some policies and projects may demand more of his effort, time and attention. The pace at which he would be expecting thing
  • In addition to this transiting Saturn may give difficulties and problems due to which he may loose his cool often.
  • This may not allow him to take timely actions/decisions on critical matters immediately.
  • However, Ganesha foresees that with his wisdom and smartness Ananth will be successful in ensuring that things do not get too messy in his ministry. He will be able to handle things with great skill and maturity.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Ananth Kumar.When will you get a perfect life partner? How to overcome hurdles in married life? Talk with experts to know the answers.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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