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Things may not be entirely rosy for Anandiben; Golden Period Post Aug 2016 foreseen!

Things may not be entirely rosy for Anandiben; Golden Period Post Aug 2016 foreseen!

This powerful Ben of Gujarat has been enjoying steady power and flourish ever since she was chosen as the Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat. But it hasn’t been an entirely smooth ride for her, especially in the past few months owing to the Patidar Anamat Aandolan, which probably gave her some tense moments. Her party has also emerged the victor in the latest battle of Gujarat – the Civic Polls. Though the victory comes as a very big relief for the CM, but there is still a lot to be delivered and she has to make sure that things don’t slip out of her hands easily. All said and done, what do the planets indicate about the path ahead? Will she be able to deliver some path-breaking governance policies? Find out what Ganesha envisages…

Anandiben Patel – CM of Gujarat
Date of Birth :- 21st November, 1941
Time of Birth :- Not Known
Place of Birth :- Kharod, Mehsana, Gujarat, India

1) What planetary configurations blessed her with such great calibre to be able to make it so big?

Important Astrological Observations:-

  • She is born with the Sun in Scorpio in her Solar Chart.
  • Mars is in its friendly Sign Pisces. Mercury is also in its friendly Sign Libra.
  • Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the Taurus Sign in her Chart.
  • The Moon and Venus are conjunct in the Sign of Sagittarius.

Astrological Predictions:-

  • She is born with the Sun in Scorpio and this adorns her with great name, fame, power, prestige and success in politcs and the government. Such a powerful Sun blesses her with a good image and credibility. The placement of the Sun in its friendly Sign augurs well for Anandiben as it gives her boldness and the leadership calibre.
  • The strong planetary combinations bless her with the ability to work tirelessly, even at such an advanced age. The Sun, a Significator of leadership qualities, gets positive influence from the Jupiter. Her Natal Sun and Jupiter are in opposition to each other, which extraordianary positive power to the Sun. The Sun-Saturn opposition indicates that she is a tough taskmaster and would believe in great discipline and a strict approach.
  • Mars is posited in its friendly Sign and is well-disposed as such as it is placed in a trine from the Sun and in a quadrant from the Moon and Venus. Such a Mars augurs very well for her as it gives her the courage and conviction to go about her decisions and policies and to face the problems and challenges that may arise in her path. It also aspects her Mercury and this gives great speed in decision-making and the power of thought. This also indicates that she is capable enough to handle any problems efficiently and to deal with unexpected situations firmly. She would also be very good at negotiation.
  • Jupiter and Saturn given her the due patience and wisdom to deal with various governmental aspects and areas with confidence and courage. This combination also shows that she believes in being just and fair. She would be good at understanding the technicalities of law and policy-making. These planetary combinations in her chart have given her steady growth in politics.

2) What do the stars indicate for Anandiben in the coming months?
Important Astrological Observation :-

  • Jupiter will be transiting over her Natal Rahu, it will be aspecting her Venus in Sagittarius, her Ketu Aquarius, till 11th August, 2016.
  • Ketu will be transiting over her Mars in Pisces, till 30th January, 2016. Rahu–Ketu will also be transiting over her Natal Rahu–Ketu in Leo and Aquarius respectively, post this period.
  • Saturn will be transiting over her Sun in Scorpio, and will be aspecting her Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus, and also her Rahu in the chart during the entire year ahead.

Astrological Predictions :-

  • Anandiben will be under the mixed influence of transiting planets in her Chart. She may experience a decline in her career graph and she may feel that her fame and popularity is going down. She may feel that her political progress is stagnant and may thus loose her confidence level. She will feel the need to make some policy-level changes and to bring in some new changes to the governance mechanism. Some internal party problems are foreseen post 30th January, 2016. She may have to face some rebellion from senior ministers. The people in the opposition may create some unnecessary problems for her and may to try to malign her image. She may have to concentrate on her domestic problems as well. However, the transit of Jupiter will give her due inspiration and courage to tackle the situations with ease and to achieve her goals. She is surely a very strong woman and will put up a brave fight in all situations. She will present some wonderful governance measures as well. Jupiter’s transit through the 10th House from the Sun will help her maintain her power and influence and will ultimately bring great success for her.

3) Will the journey after the just-concluded civic elections be a memorable one for her? OR, are some threats in store?

  • Anandiben Patel will have to show her metal as a CM by giving sharp and polished performance with the perfections. It may not be a completely smooth path for her and she will have to face some challenges. But with due courage and efficiency she will be able to make considerable progress and the state of Gujarat can expect some new goodies coming their way from the kitty of Anandiben.
  • The period from February 2016, will be a litmus-test period for her and there will be high expectations from her as well. Her political wisdom and sense of controlling power will be on test during the coming months.
  • An excellent period is foreseen for her post 11 August, 2016, when the mighty Jupiter will enter Virgo. She feel ease in discharging her duties and find that things are streamlining well post this period. She may go on to become one of the strongest and most powerful lady CM of all time in the Indian politics.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Anandiben Patel.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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