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What lies ahead for the Aam Aadmi Party?

What lies ahead for the Aam Aadmi Party?

One of the newest and most popular political parties on the Indian political block, the Aam Aadmi Party, led by the very popular leader and ex-Indian civil services officer – Arvind Kejriwal – had risen people’s hopes with its dramatic surge, in the last couple of years. The common man friendly political party rose to fame and prominence with its unique appeal, intellectually-backed party leadership and membership, and also when it defeated twice the veterans Indian National Congress in Delhi State Assembly Elections. Ironically, the same party that gained such devout following and immense popularity in a short duration, owing to its promises of an ethical and clean governance, has been facing innumerable controversies at every step, after it came to power in Delhi. Owing to the same, people’s trust in the party has taken a major beating, and so has the overall performance of the this government. Now, what lies ahead for this political party? Ganesha takes a deep dive to predict the fate of AAM.

26th January, 2012
Foundation Time Chart, New Delhi, India

  • Ganesha notes that ‘Aam Aadmi Party’ is founded with Capricorn Ascendant .
  • Retrograde Mercury – the House of fortune’s Lord is conjunct with the exalted Saturn and Swagruhi Venus in the 10th House of power and position. Venus is the Yogakaraka planet of this foundation time chart.
  • Sun and Rahu are in a conjunction in the Zodiac Sign Scorpio in this Chart. Ketu is conjunct with retrograde Jupiter in the 5th House in this Chart.
  • Moon is in its detrimental Sign in the 4th House.
  • Mars, the Lord of the 11th House is in the 12th House.

  • Ganesha feels that the current retrograde Saturn’s transit over this Chart’s Natal Sun, Rahu, and its negative aspect on the 5th House has been the prime reason behind party’s failing image and performance. The prestige, popularity, image and unity of the ‘Aam Aadmi Party’ is suffering on account of this planetary configuration.
  • Moreover, this foundation chart is under the influence of small period of Saturn Sade-Sati. The Rahu – Ketu half return phase will also make them effortless, and create discomfort between the members, which may result in departing from the membership, as they may lose their confidence.
  • Rahu-Ketu’s transit till January 2016 is also going to vastly endanger the unity and cooperation of AAP.
  • Party will have to struggle hard to maintain its stability.
  • This will disturb the goal and efforts, directed towards creating a strong political base.
  • The stars are also likely to create an adverse opinion among the public.
  • However, the current transit of Jupiter from the Chart’s 7th House till 14th July, and later on through the Leo Sign may be somewhat favourable.
  • Besides, this AAP is under the influence of the major period of Venus (Yogkaraka) and the sub period of Moon. This is another positive starry factor.
  • These positive indicators, thus, will be creating sound atmosphere as well as safer incidences in party’s favor, which will save AAP, helping it keep standing upright. They may also manage to regain their image and popularity.
  • Overall, this period will teach them that cooperation, honesty and truthfulness only will help them to come out of this unpleasant situation. This lesson will also make their base to survive politically.

Ganesha wishes good luck to the members and party’s leadership of the ‘Aam Aadmi Party’.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks.com Team

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