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Astrology and Fireworks? A Surprising Connection, Isn’t It? Find Out Which Firecracker Are You

Astrology and Fireworks? A Surprising Connection, Isn’t It? Find Out Which Firecracker Are You

It sounds strange, but Astrology and Sun Signs have a say even in the kind of firecrackers that a particular person may like or with which his or her personality resembles. In this light-hearted article, we present to you a very unusual, yet interesting side of Astrology and explain why you resemble a particular firecracker based on your Zodiac Sign.

– You are bold, you are dynamic and you like loud noises and at times even deafening ones! Moreover, instantaneous action is what you love. Thus, the Mirchi bomb is what perfectly represents your personality. Also, if ignited, your anger can be as devastating as the sound of this super bomb. Boom!

– You are artistic and you like beautiful visuals. But at the same time, you would not like terrible sounds. The flower pot wonderfully depicts your love for beauty and visual spectacles.

– The love for variety is what sets you apart and the two twins happen to be the symbol of your Sign. So, when the two sound rocket goes up in the air, there would be a sure glow on your face. This particular firecracker also symbolises the duality that you represent.

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– You are sensitive and get irritated or rather pissed off with deafening sounds! But, pleasant sounds and nice visuals attract you. Thus, you are best fit to be the crackling flower pot. By the way, your humour can be as crackling as this particular firecracker!

– You love attention and you like people giving you attention. Moreover, you have a penchant for all things grand. A sky shot is considered to be the grandest amongst the fireworks. Thus, there’s no doubt that you – the ‘Big Shot’ – are a Sky Shot.

– You are known to be highly grounded and practical. You do not like setting off on flights of fantasy, like a rocket does. But, then, self-introspection is one trait strongly connected with your persona; the ground wheel magnificently symbolises your core qualities – quick-thinking abilities (the small fire work rotates really fast), hard work (rotating at a speed of around ‘hundred’ times per two seconds is no mean feat) and pragmatism.

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Hey charmer! Being ruled by Venus, you are the one who would stay away from ‘coarse’ or ‘unpleasant’ noises and would rather be happy with the dazzle and glitter of a ‘harmless’ sparkler in your hand.

– You are the freak who loves all things which are powerful and may be, also, scary. The incredible and high-power sound of a sutli bomb would undoubtedly bring a sense of unusual happiness and light up your face with a wry smile! Moreover, with a stoic expression being a constant on your face, you may also love to show off to others, how you don’t get affected by such deafening sounds.

– You are flamboyant, lively and carefree – and anyone who doesn’t know this about you would probably be living in a cave! The electric crackers aptly depict your love for chatter, devil-may-care attitude and also brash approach. You are one of the biggest manufacturers of happiness, and no wonder the electric crackers are especially used in a happy event!

– You are a person of multiple ambitions and are known for your perseverance. Each of the 60 shots keep launching one after the other and this depicts your systematic approach towards things. Moreover, you do not like short-term things and thus the prolonged performance of these pyrotechnics brings great joy for you.

– You are chilled out and fun-loving creatures. While all other firecrackers are busy in either lighting up the skies or creating ‘whistling’ sounds in someone’s ears, you would love to shoot up in the sky with a semi-shrill sound of a whistle.

– Is there a bigger music lover than you? May be, but very few would get so attracted to wonderful musical sounds emanating from a firecracker! These fireworks also depict your peace-loving nature. No ears ‘deafened’ and no eyes ‘blinded’, just sweet sound for the ears – way to go Pisceans!

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Aaditya Sain
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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