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Worship Goddess Brahmacharini On Navratri Second Day

Maa Brahmacharini will be worshipped on the second day of Navratri 2023 which falls on October 15, 2023, this year. This form of Mother Durga, the second avatar is the Shakti Roop of Goddess Brahmacharini. This form of Maa Brahmacharini originated from the word Brahma, which means – one who observes penance or tapa, and good conduct. Thus, she is the one who practices penance. It is said that the Veda, Tatva and Tapa are synonyms for Brahma.

The idol of this goddess is very gorgeous. In one hand, she holds a Kamandal i.e. a water pot, and in the other hand, she holds a rosary. Maa Brahmacharini personifies love and loyalty. She is the store house of knowledge and wisdom. The Rudraksha beads are the most adored ornaments of this goddess. In her previous birth, Maa Brahmacharini had incarnated as the daughter of Himalaya. At that time, she was influenced by the instructions of Narada and also practiced hard penance (tapa) in order to obtain Lord Shiva as her divine consort. Hence, due to her divine penance, she was named as Brahmacharini.

The Maa Brahmacharini avatar of Durga is capable of providing endless benefits to her devotees. By worshipping Maa Brahmacharini, one can achieve success and victory. On the second day of Navratri, concentration of the devotee’s mind should move upwards towards the Swadhisthana Chakra. The worshipper who remains focussed on this chakra gets the affection and blessings of the Goddess Brahmacharini. The blessings of the divine forces can win you anything and everything including wealth and prosperity. But for that you also need to make proper efforts.

You can also install Shri Laxmi Ganesh Yantra at home to gain health, wealth, and prosperity.

Maa Brahmacharini Dhyan: Dadhaana Kar Padmabhyam Akshmala Kamandalu, Devi Prasidatu Mayi Brahmacharinyanuttama.
Maa Brahmacharini Mantra for the second day of Navratri: Om Brahm Brahmacharinyai Namah. (Chant it 108 times).
Colour of the second day: Orange.
Prasad of the second day: Sugar and traditional, unsalted butter.
Governing Planet: It is believed that Lord Mangal, the provider of all fortunes, is governed by Goddess Brahmacharini.

You can also consult our expert astrologers to know the personalised rituals to get the blessings of Maa Brahmacharini.

With Ganesha’s Grace,

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