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Will ‘Veer’ be able to prove its mettle at the Box Office?

Will ‘Veer’ be able to prove its mettle at the Box Office?

Salman Khan has proved that he’s among the best in whatever he sets his mind on. Besides proving over the years that he is an actor par excellence, he has also made his mark as a painter, topless model, hunter, ‘drunk driver’ and media’s favourite whipping boy. In his upcoming film ‘Veer’, he is all set to enter the record books. As besides playing the protagonist on screen, he is doing a decent job balancing the roles of the scriptwriter, producer and unofficial art director of the film.

And while promoting for the epic film, he also showed how good he is at horse riding by ‘defeating’ some of the best jockeys in the country.

With his hopes pinned on ‘Veer’, Ganesha uses Vedic Astrology System to determine if the film will be able to prove its mettle at the Box Office.

‘Veer’ Release Time Horoscope

Astrological observations

  • Ganesha observes that Ascendant of the release time chart is Pisces and Moon is also in Pisces
  • Venus, the significator of arts, is with Sun in Capricorn
  • Rahu occupies Midheaven with Mercury
  • Saturn aspects the Ascendant
  • Retrograde Mars is giving exalted aspect to the 11th House of gains
  • Bhagya Bhuvan Lord Mars is debilitated and retrograde
  • Jupiter, being the Lagna Lord, is placed in the 12th House

Astrological predictions

  • Ganesha notes that Ascendant Lord is in the 12th House. This indicates that the film will do well abroad, and it may do average business in India. However, there are chances of it doing well in the northern India.
  • Some of the sequences in this film may be very lengthy and so director may decide to cut (chop off) some sequences from the final print, post release.
  • Rahu in 10th House and the 10th House Lord in the 12th House of the release time chart makes Ganesha a little concerned about the long-term success of this film. It may not do very good business once Moon crosses transiting Mars, which will take place two weeks from the day of release.
  • Performance of the actors and cinematography would be good with Venus in it’s friendly sign Capricorn. But as Sun and Venus both are in Capricorn, the film may leave a very subdued impact on the mind of audience. So people, unless they are Salman Khan and Anil Sharma fans, may not go to watch this film for a second time.
  • In short, Ganesha feels that though the attempt of making such a film would be very good, director Anil Sharma and Salman Khan may not be too happy with the business collected by the film in India. But its overseas collection is likely to bring some smile back on their faces. Action sequences in this film is likely to be the prime source of attraction.

Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless ‘Veer’.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni

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