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Will we see more of Vivek Oberoi in the coming times?

When you think about Vivek Oberoi- the first thing that comes to your mind is his charming smile that can brighten anyone’s mood! That hummable tune from the movie- Saathiya sung by Sonu Nigam would be the second thing that would come into your mind and with that we get in mind the image of a young, handsome Vivek Oberoi with that fresh smile on his face. Most famous for his roles in Yuva, Masti, Omkara and Shootout at Lokhandwala- Vivek has offered a lot of variety to his fans and has played each role to perfection, a Virgo that he is! Being the son of the famous yesteryear actor Suresh Oberoi, Vivek has carved his own niche and is an actor of his own league. Married to Priyanka Alva, he has two children, Son- Vivaan Veer Oberoi and Daughter – Ameyaa Nirvana Oberoi. In the recent years, the audiences have not seen much of him on the silver screen. Will he get back to acting full time? Recently, he was quoted as saying that he would love to create films with a ‘human touch’. Does this mean Vivek is preparing to step into director’s shoes? Well, will he be able to? Ganesha looks at the dapper actor’s Solar Horoscope to predict the way ahead for him.

Vivek Oberoi.
Date of Birth :- 03rd September , 1976
Time of Birth :- Not Known
Place of Birth :- Bombay ,Maharashtra, India


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  • Ganesha notes that Vivek will be under the influence of Jupiter’s positive transit over his Natal Sun till 11th August 2016. This ideally should give him good opportunities to yet again rise and shine in his territory.
  • However, Rahu’s transit over his Natal Sun from 30th January 2016 onwards indicates that he will have to be very careful about his public image. His image may get stained. He may also face some stress/tension.
  • The transiting Saturn’s Square with Natal Sun till January 2017 indicates slower progress at career front. The same transit will also demand a lot of hard work from him.
  • His performance in movies wouldn’t be very satisfactory, though.
  • During next one year, Ganesha feels that Vivek will be able to pay full attention to details, so it shall be good time for him to start working on long term projects or projects that require a lot of patience, especially something like film direction.
  • Financially, the next one year may not be very rewarding for Vivek, and thus, he must avoid major investments in the next one year.
  • Plus, Ganesha stresses that Vivek will have to take great care of his health, during this time and must avoid restlessness.
  • On the whole, the next one year seems a bit challenging, as per Vivek Oberoi’s Solar chart.

Ganesha wishes well to Vivek Oberoi.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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