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Ganesha wishes Sunny Deol luck and success for Ghayal Returns.

Ganesha wishes Sunny Deol luck and success for Ghayal Returns

Sunny Deol must remain careful about his health and personal relationships till January, 2016.
The Betaab Sunny Deol celebrates his birthday on 19th October. Ganesha looks at the Solar Horoscope of the actor turned director who shall soon be seen in the sequel of his super-hit film Ghayal. Read on.

Date of Birth :- 19th October, 1957
Birth Time :- Unknown
Place of Birth :- Sanhewal (Ludhiana), India

SOLAR Horoscope

[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Horoscope, created using the celebrity’s birth-date and birth-place.]

Important Astrological Observations

  • Jupiter will continue to transit over Sunny’s Natal Sun and Mars till 11th August 2016.
  • Rahu will continue its current transit over the actor’s Natal Mercury, Jupiter and Venus (in Virgo) till 30th January, 2016.
  • Post January 2016, Rahu will be transiting over his Natal Sun and Mars.
  • Saturn currently transiting through Scorpio is moving over Sunny’s Natal Saturn, while giving a 10th aspect to his Natal Sun and Mars. This shall continue till January, 2017.

1) How his forthcoming year shall be?

Astrological Predictions

  • Considering planetary transits over Sunny Deol’s Natal planets, Ganesha feels that he will have to be careful about his public image, during the year ahead.
  • Post August 2016, when his Jupiter-return starts, he will be coming up with an ambitious project, which will have a bright future.
  • Nonetheless, his performance in any of his forthcoming movies will be highly appreciated, assures Ganesha.
  • His personal life/marital life may remain somewhat stressful till 30th January 2016. However, things shall begin to stabilise, from February onwards.
  • Sunny must take care of his health in the entire year ahead.

2) He had a release in 2015, but it did not do well. Will his forthcoming projects do well?

Astrological Predictions

  • As aforementioned, time till 30th January, 2016 may remain stressful for Sunny Deol. Thus, any of his movies that hit the theatres before this time may not do too well at the box-office. Things shall get better after February, 2016. And, once Jupiter moves to Virgo, after 11th August, 2016, things shall get better for Sunny Deol. All his movies releasing post this time will do well.

Ganesha wishes good luck to Sunny Deol for his forthcoming movies.

With Ganesha’s Grace
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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