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Stars may let Karthik Calling Karthik down, says Ganesha

Stars may let Karthik Calling Karthik down, says Ganesha

Farhan Akhtar is fast proving himself to be a master of all trades. Director, actor, a fairly versatile singer-songwriter and a TV anchor, to name a few of the plentiful hats that he has donned. In a film industry that was fast dying a slow and painful death as long as creativity and originality was concerned, Farhan is among those few new-age directors who have breathed a fresh lease of life into it.

Karthik Calling Karthik promises to be one such dose of freshness for Indian film buffs. Although the media’s habit of linking co-stars almost wreaked havoc on his personal life, the actor has handled the situation well and the worst seems to be over. As far as the film is concerned, the entire film unit, including his co-star in question Deepika Padukone, are expecting the film to do better than Rock On, which saw Farhan debut as an actor.
Ganesha uses Vedic Astrology System to determine whether the film will meet the expectation or not.

Karthik Calling Karthik Release Time Chart
26th February, 2010

Astrological Observations

  • Ascendant Lord Mars is retrograde
  • Venus, Jupiter, Sun and Neptune’s stellium in the 11th House of gains
  • Rahu has afflicted the Bhagya Bhuvan
  • Moon is afflicted by Retrograde Mars
  • Saturn is exalted but retrograde being the Lord of Karma Bhuvan

Astrological Predictions

  • Ganesha notes that as Venus, the Lord of the 7th House, is in the 11th House of gains. So prima facie it may seem that this film will have a good start. But unfortunately, Mars, the Lord of Ascendant, is retrograde and debilitated, plus the Lord of 7th House is with Jupiter, the Lord of 12th House. So this film may have an average start.
  • Retrograde Mars square with 7th House indicates scope of slightly tough competition.
  • Mercury in the 10th House indicates that dialogues of this film may be good. Similarly, screenplay would also be good. Venus is in Saturn’s sign, so cinematography would be noteworthy and music may also be satisfactory.
  • As Bhagya Bhuvan is afflicted by Rahu and Karma Lord is retrograde, Lagna Lord is retrograde. So despite good potential and publicity strategy, which is indicated by 7th House Lord Venus’ position in the 11th House, Ganesha feels that this film may end up doing average business at the Box Office.
  • Second house Lord is placed in the 11th House with the 12th House Lord. So the overseas collection may be good.
  • Although it may seem to be a worth-watching film, it may not be a block-buster.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni

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