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Sooraj Pancholi has a promising career ahead, but will progress gradually, says Ganesha…

Sooraj Pancholi
Date of birth:- 9th November, 1990
Time of birth:- Unknown
City of birth:- Lucknow, UP, India

Surya Kundli

The Astrological Analysis:
Ganesha notes that Sooraj is born with Venus in Libra. This makes him a very good actor. He will be able to hone his skill as an actor as the time goes by. It may take a some time for him to hone his professional and creative skills because Venus is associated with a debilitated the Sun.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Ketu in his chart creates Chaandaal Dosha or Guru Chandaal Yoga. This indicates chances of defamation due to connection with the opposite sex. This has already happened in the past in the case of Jiah Khan. He will have to be careful in relationships even in the future, warns Ganesha.

He will be making his debut as an actor in the movie Hero. It is releasing on 11th September 2015.

Transiting the Sun, Moon and Jupiter will be in sextile aspect with his natal the Sun and Venus on the date of release. This indicates that his performance in this movie will be appreciated. He will be a bit tensed about success of this movie because of Venus and debilitated Mars’ transit over his Ketu and Jupiter. Ganesha feels that this movie may get moderate success but it will indicate a good start for Sooraj’s career as an actor.

Chances of his performance being criticized by the media are also there. However, as far as audience is concerned, he will be well accepted.

Venus is Swagruhi in his chart so he should focus more on his career as an actor. As he is born with exalted Jupiter, he may also turn director in the future, feels Ganesha.

He is passing through a slightly emotional phase at present but he will be able to get over it. Born with the Sun in Libra, which makes the native a bit diplomatic, in case of Jiah Khan, his approach will remain diplomatic and there are very few chances of him opening up about it frankly, unless he is pressurised to do so.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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