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Tremendous Popularity, well-performing films, some temperamental issues await SRK!

Tremendous Popularity, well-performing films

Superb offers shall be coming his way and 11 August, 2016 onwards will be fruitful for SRK as a producer.
Shah Rukh Khan – how many words will be enough to describe the glory and wonder of this man! One of the most magnetic and charismatic actors of all-time, SRK currently seems to be in a wonderful phase as 3 of the most-awaited films that he will be seen in – Dilwale, Fan and Raees will be releasing in the next one year! The charming star, for whom even 24 Hours are not enough in a day, has never showed any signs of ever slowing down! The philosophical star with a phenomenal presence on the Social Media, was recently presented an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom. It shall forever be incomprehensible that how SRK manages so many projects and tasks with so much vigour, enthusiasm and spark! Let’s take the help of the cosmos and get an idea of how the year ahead may be for the actor, who turns 50 this 2nd November!

Shah Rukh Khan
Date of Birth :- 02nd November, 1965
Time of Birth :- 02.30 A.M.
Place of Birth :- Delhi, India


Important Astrological Observations:

  • Shah Rukh Khan will be under the influence of Saturn major period and sub period of Venus till 24th February, 2018.
  • Jupiter will be transiting through the Ascendant till 11th August, 2016. Positioned therein, it will be aspecting his Natal Venus placed in the 5th House and Saturn placed in the 7th House.
  • After 30th January, 2016, Ketu will be transiting over his Natal Saturn and Rahu will be transiting through the Ascendant.
  • Saturn will be transiting over his Natal Mars, Ketu and Mercury during the year ahead and will be aspecting his Rahu and the 10th House.

Astrological Predictions:

Tonloads of Adulation in Store!

  • His performance in the forthcoming movies will be very good and he is sure to get tonloads of more and more appreciation and admiration. No wonder, there is already a lot of buzz being generated from the trailers, snaps, videos, and teasers of his upcoming films! However, post 30th January, 2016, SRK – the magical charmer may face some issues in his performances. May be, the quest for perfection that he always sets out for in his projects, may not fructify in the best manner in the 2K16. Take it easy, says Ganesha to the intense Scorpio!

More Good Offers coming SRK’s way?

  • As he will be under the influence of Venus sub-period, he will remain under the spotlight during the year ahead. No chances of not being in the news – say the planets! He will be receiving very good offers.

Keep Calm and Avoid Hassles…

  • He will have to keep control on his anger and try to manage good relations with friends and relatives. The current Saturn’s transitory influence on heavyweight malefics Mars and Ketu may make things a bit tricky for the King Khan. We all know that the Badshah of Bollywood can get furious and blow his top at idiotic things, but don’t we love to see him in his charming self? Let’s hope he keeps winning people’s hearts with that million-dollar dimpled and disarming smile!

Mood Swings?

  • He may experience heavy mood swings during the year ahead. Maintaining cool will be difficult.

SRK the Producer…

  • As a producer, his time will be better after 11th August, 2016. Before that, time isn’t much favourable for him for the productions that he starts. But the gains for his company – Red Chillies Entertainment may be good.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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