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Currently, Remo will shine more as a Choreographer than a as a Director, says Ganesha…

Currently, Remo will shine more as a Choreographer than a as a Director, says Ganesha…
Ramesh Gopi or Remo D’Souza as we know him as, is one of the finest choreographers in the Bollywood currently and he has donned the Director’s hat and has been doing well in that role as well. The ABCD 2 Director seems to be in high spirits about his upcoming project – The Flying Jat and he wants this movie to be on par with The Avengers. But what do the stars indicate about the Star-Choreographer- Director? Find the answers with Ganesha…
Date of birth :-  02nd April, 1974
Birth Time :-     Not Known.
Place of Birth :- Bangalore, Karnataka, India
[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of the celebrity, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/Surya Kundli with the help of his birth-date and birth-place only.]

  • The current transit of Saturn and Ketu are giving adverse effects to his Solar chart. Saturn is transiting over his Rahu and is also aspecting Mars and Ketu posited in the 3rd house of his chart till January 2017.
  • Ketu will be transiting over the Sun till January 2016 and then it will be transiting over Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
  • Transiting Jupiter will be aspecting the Solar Chart’s Venus, Mercury and Jupiter till 11th August, 2016.
  • Factors mentioned above are indicating partial success in his career as a choreographer and director. He will have to work very hard to achieve his goals during next one and a half year’s time. There may be some bright moments, but a many disappointments are also indicated.
  • Post January 2016 his overall performance in various fields also may decline.
  • Remo D’Souza’s professional life and personal life may remain comfortable till January 2016, but  post this period it may be a sort of a roller-coaster ride, till January 2017, feels Ganesha.
  • Ganesha finds that his stars are more supportive to his career for choreographing and not for direction. He may be more successful as a choreographer and may not succeed much as a director.
Ganesha wishes good luck to Remo D’Souza.
With Ganesha’s Grace,

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