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The Cosmos Doesn’t Indicate Marriage For Dippy and Ranveer Anytime Soon!

“The relationship may take a different turn in the coming months, and things may not be all the same again…”
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are two of the most talked about celebrities of Bollywood and together they make a sizzling hot pair. The former is a super-successful and ultra-popular actress and she is being seen as the star who will be the next queen of Bollywood! Dippy is an exotic and a refreshing mix of some of the finest acting skills, bewitching and super-hot looks, an athletic body and oodles of talent! Ranveer on the other hand comes across a super-talented, super-enthusiastic, super-fit actor with a raw appeal and charming machismo. With great display of PDA in various events and with electric chemistry, these two have seemingly been in a stable relationship, but things do not seem to be all normal of late between the love birds! The rumour mills are working overtime to guess what could be fishy and there have also been some reports of some problems mounting between the two. But who can give us a better idea than Ganesha himself. So, let’s tag along with him and find the answers…

Deepika Padukone’s Surya Kundli
Date of Birth – January 5, 1986
Place of Birth – Copenhagen, Denmark
Chart Type: Surya Kundli (Birth Time Unavailable)

Ranveer Singh
Date of Birth: 06th July, 1985
Place of Birth:- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Chart Type: Surya Kundli (Birth Time Unavailable)

The Astro-Gyaan…

  • As per universal Zodiac, the Libra sign indicates personal unions. In other words, it stands for marriage and related matters. In this case, there is heavy affliction found in Libra sign. Ranveer has Ketu and retrograde Saturn in Libra sign, both are separative planets by nature. Deepika has Ketu and Mars in Libra sign! These configurations denote that the initial charm and attraction may not necessarily manifest into the ultimate bond of a relationship, that is marriage. Things may anytime take an ugly turn.
  • Ranveer’s Mars in Gemini opposes Deepika’s Venus in Sagittarius. Additionally, there is Sun to Sun opposition in both the Horoscopes, so we can easily argue that opposites attract! Yes, that’s true but just ‘attraction’ doesn’t promise a stable and successful union.

  • Ganesha really doubts sustainability of this relationship. Even if this looks a pretty promising relationship at present, the couple may have a bumpy ride in the in the future so careful handling of the relationship will be a prerequisite. Both of them will have to nurture the relationship with great care and patience, so that it doesn’t take a wrong turn.

  • There are no strong planetary contact points indicating such a factor or a significant influence on each other’s career. This means that ‘Ram’ and ‘Leela’ will be able to enjoy great fluidity and a freewheeling joy when it comes to their individual careers. There will not be the problems that many face in a realationship due to either an overpossesive girlfriend or a controlling boyfriend.

  • In absence of birth time this is very difficult to foretell, but the Solar Charts do not indicate their marriage in the near future. However, the month of January may prove to be an eventful month for the couple.
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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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