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Because of a Retrograde Venus, Ganesha Advises Rachel to Pick Up Unconventional Roles

Because of a Retrograde Venus, Ganesha Advises Rachel to Pick Up Unconventional Roles

Rachel McAdams – Actress, Hollywood
Date of Birth :- 17th November , 1978
Time of Birth :- 05.20 A.M.
Place of Birth :- London, Ontario, Canada


Important Astrological Observations:

  • Jupiter will be transiting over her Natal Saturn in the 11th House of her Natal Chart, till 11th August, 2016.
  • Saturn will be transiting over her Natal Sun, Mars and Mercury, and will be aspecting her Saturn during the entire year ahead.
  • Rahu will be transiting over her Natal Rahu in the 12th House and Ketu will be transiting over her Natal Ketu in the 6th House, till 30th January, 2016. Post this period Rahu will be transiting over her Natal Saturn.
  • She will be under the influence of the major period of Saturn and sub period of Saturn till 4th September, 2018.

Astrological predictions :-

  • Born with a retrograde Venus in Libra that too in the Ascendant, Rachel is a wonderful and a natural artist. This placement of Venus in the Ascendant blesses her with great beauty, grace, creative talent and all the qualities that are required to shine as an actress!
  • Ganesha says that Rachel should take up more challenging and unconventional roles as an actress and she would have the natural flair for out-of-the-box subjects, as Venus is retrograde in her Chart. The offbeat films and roles will earn her more popularity and success, says Ganesha.
  • Rachel McAdams will be undergoing through the mixed influence of transiting stars during the year head, as on one hand Jupiter will be favouring her greatly, being posited in the 11th House and ensuring great popularity, on the other hand, Saturn will be transiting over key planets and will be causing some stress in various issues. Even her Ascendant is currently hemmed in between the heavyweiht malefics Saturn and Rahu, so she will even have to take care of her health and will have to take time out to bust the stress!
  • However, she will also be under the influence of major period of Saturn till 4th September, 2018, which will give her success to some extent in her endeavors, but the path may even be laden with some struggle and obstacles. She will have to maintain gret patience.
  • She may not get expected offers for new films. She may have to put in more efforts while performing. Her performance may be good in the movies that will released prior to 30th January, 2016.
  • She should avoid being frivolous with her money matters.
  • She will have to be cooperative with the people around her.
  • She may be highly active in social circles.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Rachel McAdams.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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