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Quantum of success for Quantum of Solace-Numerological Analysis

Quantum of success for Quantum of Solace-Numerological Analysis

The 22nd James Bond movie is all set to release in United Kingdom on October 31, 2008. Daniel Craig is known as Sexiest Bond Ever! However, will this sexiest bond ever be able to pull the crowd to box office? Ganesha foretells the future of this movie with the help of Chaldean Numerology.

World Wide Analysis
Quantum of Solace – Numerological Analysis
Quantum of Solace totals down to 64 and final total is 1. Number six is ruled by Venus the planet that rules art. Number 4 is ruled by Rahu or Uranus. Whenever Venus and Rahu (North Node) are strongly reflected in a film’s name, generally film is handled well by the technicians, besides artists and the director. In this film, people working behind the cameras would have surely done a great job and we will be able to see the effect of the technicians’ work on screen. This also includes fight sequences to special effects’ department. As film’s final total is 1 ruled by Sun, glory is indicated – Kudos! Numerology says that film is going to do very well at the box office.

The film is going to be released first in France, Sweden and UK on October 31, 2008. Total of the release date is 4, ruled by Uranus/Rahu (North Node). Uranus has tendency to give unexpected result. This also means that the film may not release on this particular date in all three countries or there may be some unexpected change in the release schedule at the last moment. If at all film releases on the said date, I.e on 31-10-2008 in all the three countries, as this date’s destiny number is 6 ruled by Venus, it will surely have a very good pick up in all the three countries.

Considering the point that the total of the film’s name is Number 1 ruled by Sun and the total of the release date is 6 ruled by Venus, Ganesha feels that the initial shows of this movie may go HOUSE FULL. On the other hand, due to the strong influence of Uranus in movie’s name and date of release, Ganesha feels that the film may also invite strong criticism. However, movie is going to do very good business and criticism will not be able to affect the business of this movie badly.

Good luck to Quantum of Solace Team.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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