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Patrick Swayze is deadly ill

Patrick Swayze is deadly ill

There are reports that Patrick Swayze was suffering from pancreatic cancer surfaced on Wednesday, and were
later confirmed by his publicist.

He is born in Virgo Ascendant. Venus the significator of arts and show business in placed with Rahu in the 9th house of Navmansa. Adding to this Moon is placed in the Tula Navmansa in the 10th house of Navmansa makes him extremely popular artist.

The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system. It is located near the stomach and small intestine. In his chart the Lord of 6th house Saturn is placed in the Virgo Ascendant and Virgo rules Intestine, abdomen. Smoking and too much use of alcohol develop pancreatic cancer more than twice as often as nonsmokers. In his chart Moon is placed in watery sign Cancer along with Mercury and Ketu indicating such addiction that might have led him to pancreatic cancer. Also Rahu is placed in the 5th house suggesting disease in stomach. Rahu is also placed in the 6th house of Chalit Chart and Mercury is placed with Ketu in the 12th house of Chalit chart. Cancer might have developed in the period of Sun-Rahu between 15th January and 8th
December 2007, which emerge recently.

He is currently under the influence of Sun-Jupiter period. Jupiter is a Maraka planet in his chart and placed in the 8th house of longevity. The transiting Ketu would be moving over the Mercury from May 2008. The period between 13th April and 18th June looks fatal for him. Only prayers and best wishes can save the beloved actor.

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We wish him all the luck for a swift recovery.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,

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