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May be not a stepping stone, but ‘Killing Veerapan’ shall give Parul a new identity! 

May be not a stepping stone, but ‘Killing Veerapan’ shall give Parul a new identity! 

Parul Yadav :-
Date of Birth :- 05th June, 1982
Time of Birth :- NOT KNOWN.
Place of Birth :- Bombay, Maharashtra, India


[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of the celebrity, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth-date and birth-place only.]

Important Astrological Observation :-

  • Transiting Jupiter will be aspecting her Natal Venus and Ketu till 11th August, 2016.
  • Saturn will be aspecting her Natal Sun and Mercury during the entire year ahead.
  • Rahu will be transiting over her Natal Mars and retrograde Saturn till January 2016.

Bollywood Debut – Sweet or Sour?

  • Considering planetary transits mentioned above, Ganesha feels that Parul Yadav may get average success in her debut at Bollywood. It may not create the required buzz for Parul.

Journey till January…

  • Time up to January 2016 looks somewhat tough for her. She needs to tread carefully. Expectations may not be met and some troubles may dampen her spirit.

Joyful times post January 2016!

  • Period after 30th January, 2016 looks much better to Ganesha. Chances of success would be higher after that. New film projects may also knock her door!

Planets promising goodies!

  • After 11th August 2016, luck seems much more in her favour so any film that she signs after this period or any film of hers that gets released after that, should give her good mileage and the required momentum! So, cheer up! – says

Killing Veerappan – releasing 9th November, 2015

  • On the day on which the movie is releasing, transiting Venus and Rahu will almost be in degreecal conjunction and will be falling on her Natal Saturn and Mars in Virgo. Transiting Moon and Jupiter will be in Leo, in Square with her Natal Sun and Mercury. Her performance in this movie will be appreciated and noted, however, it won’t be a stepping stone for higher succes for her. She may need to do more films Bollywood to get noticed well in the industry and also to become more popular amongst bollywood movie buffs.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Parul Yadav.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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