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Neymar is surely a great talent, but the journey in 2016 won’t entirely be a smooth one…

Neymar is surely a great talent, but the journey in 2016 won’t entirely be a smooth one…

Neymar is one player who has has an unbelievably fantastic career growth! During Brazilian star Neymar’s two-and-a-half year spell at Barcelona, there has been one continuous soundbite from the softly-spoken 23-year-old: “I’m here to learn from the best”. The “best” he consistently cites is teammate and four-time World Player of the Year Lionel Messi. The two share a telepathic relationship on the field and, along with Uruguayan Luis Suarez, form one of the most lethal strike forces world football has ever seen. Will Neymar go as far as Messi in achieving glory? How shall the year ahead unfold for Neymar? Read on to find out…

Neymar – Brazilian Footballer
Date of Birth :- 05th February, 1992
Time of Birth :- 02.15 A.M.
Place of Birth :- Mogi Das Cruzes, Brazil


Lionel Messi – Argentinian Footballer
Date of birth :- 24th June, 1987
Birth Time :- 05.54 A.M.
Place of Birth :- Santa Fe, Argentina


1) Can Neymar make it as big as Messi in the World of Football, as many find in him, a similar passion for the game as Messi?
Important astrological observations :-

Neymar :-

  • Neymar born is with Scorpio Ascendant and its Lord, Mars is posited with Rahu and Venus in the 2nd House of his Natal Chart.
  • The lord of the 5th House, Jupiter is posited in the 10th House and is retrograde.
  • Moon, the Lord of the 9th House of Fortune is posited in the 4th House, which is a very auspicious placement for the Moon.
  • Lord of the 3rd House and 4th House – Saturn is posited in its Swakshetra in the the Sign of Capricorn and is joined by the Sun and Mercury, who happen to be the Lords of the 10th House and 11th House. So, we can observe that the House which represents Sports, Stamina, Skills and Aggression is well-fortified due to the presence of the Lords of important Houses therein.

Lionel Messi:

  • Lionel Messi is born with Taurus Ascendant and its lord, Venus is posited with the exalted Moon in the Ascendant of his Natal Chart.
  • The lord of the 5th House, retrograde Mercury (swagruhi) is posited with Mars and the Sun in the 2nd House.
  • Retrograde Saturn, the Lord of the 9th House of fortune and the 10th House, is posited in the 7th House in its inimical Sign Scorpio.
  • Jupiter, the Lord of the 11th is posited in the 12th House in its friendly Sign Aries.
  • Rahu-Ketu are posited in the 11th and 5th House respectively.

Astrological Predictions :-

  • After having a detailed look at the stars of Lionel Messi and Neymar, Ganesha feels that Messi’s Chart has more power and stronger planetary placements as compared to the Chart of Neymar. If we consider the placement of Jupiter, Venus or Mars, the Chart of Messi clearly has the edge. Though, it would be unfair to make such comparisons, but it won’t be improper to say that Messi is a better player than Neymar and it would not at all be easy for anyone, not only Neymar to get to the level of greatness that Messi has so far achieved. Neymar has a very potent Chart though, and shall go a long way. The strong 3rd House and 5th House influence in his Chart bears a testimony to this point.

2) How shall the year ahead be for Neymar – the Brazilian Wonder? And, will his performance at FC Barcelona be great?
Important astrological observations:-

  • Jupiter will be transiting over his Natal Jupiter and will be aspecting his planets in the 2nd House, till 11th August, 2016, in his Solar Chart.
  • Rahu will be transiting over his Jupiter in Leo, post January 2016. Ketu will be transiting over his Moon during the same time period.
  • Transiting Saturn will be aspecting the stellium of planets in Capricorn, till January 2017.
  • He will be under the major period of Jupiter and sub period of Mercury till 24th August, 2016.

Astrological Predictions :-

  • Ganesha finds that transiting Saturn and Rahu-Ketu will not be much supportive to him during the year. The combined influences of these planets may not cause harm directly, but may keep slowing down the pace of his joyride. Jupiter shall remain very favourable for him and he shall continue to get the adulation and appreciation. But he himself may not find internal satisfaction on various occasions. He will have to sharpen his technique and skills and will have to work on improving his game, especially post 30th January, 2016. This will help him to maintain his consistency as well as his form. There is no room for complacency, as Saturn will not allow him to be frivolous. Moreover, the major period of Jupiter and sub period of Mercury, till 24th August, 2016, will also give him the required push to keep performing well. People will love his style and class of play, and if he puts in sincere efforts, he is sure to enjoy stability. At the club level, that is at FC Barcelona, he will enjoy a great stint and shall enjoy great bond with co-players. But, he will have to avoid getting carried away by the popularity that he may get there.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Neymar.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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