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More challenges, more success for Demi Moore, says Ganesha

More challenges, more success for Demi Moore, says Ganesha

She is 48 & still going on fabulously. Grace personified, American actress Demi Moore Kutcher is blowing out her birthday candles, today. One of the highest paid actresses of her times, the vivacious beauty ruled over Hollywood in the 1990’s. She enthralled the audience with her performances in films like Ghost, A Few Good Men, Indecent Proposal, & Charles Angels – Full Throttle. Though professionally a glamorous diva, her personal life was full of crests & troughs. She married singer Freddy Moore at the age of 17 and soon parted ways with him to marry actor Bruce Willis, and became a mother of three daughters. Fate had something more in store for her as she divorced Bruce in the year 2000 & got married to actor Ashton Kutcher in 2005. The couple is together till date.
Considered to be ‘the world’s most high-profile doll collector’, Moore recently expressed her desire to have a baby with Ashton Kutcher. Will she enjoy motherhood once again? Where will her acting career take her? Ganesha finds out with the help of Vedic Astrology.

Demi Moore
11th November, 1962
14 hours 16 min.
Roswell, NM, USA

Astrological Observations

  • Demi will be under the influence of Jupiter major period and sub period of Mercury throughout next year.
  • Jupiter will be transiting through her Ascendant, 2nd House and 3rd House during next one year.
  • Rahu and Ketu will hit 4th House 10th House axis in the month of June 2011.
  • Saturn will continue transiting through the 8th House.
  • She is currently under the influence of Venus return.

Astrological Predictions

  • Demi is going to have a rocking year ahead, mainly due to Jupiter’s favourable transit. Jupiter is currently in Aquarius, and it is going to enter Pisces on 7th December, 2010. On 9th May, 2011 it enters Aries. November and December 2010 are very important months for Demi, as she is going to be in the limelight due to Jupiter and Venus’ favourable transit. She might also sign some important projects during these two months.
  • January to May 2011 is the period in which Demi can expect good financial returns of her investments, and she may also earn money through various sources in this period.
  • Her good time, although it continues after 9th May, 2011, as soon as Rahu and Ketu hit 4th House 10th House axis in June 2011, she may start experiencing troubles at the career front, and she may also remain disturbed emotionally. She will also have to take good care of her health post June 2011, till almost the end of the year, as Saturn will also be transiting through the 8th House.
  • Between March and September 2011, she will be under the spotlight.
  • Towards end of 2011, Demi is likely to travel to other countries.
  • Her personal relations with her husband Ashton Kutcher may be under the dark cloud in second half of the next year, but somehow she will try to balance this out.
  • In short, the coming year will be interesting yet challenging for Demi Moore.

Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless Demi Moore with success in the coming year.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni

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