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Various planetary factors play a crucial role in propelling Keanu towards stardom, observes Ganesha

Date of Birth :- 02 September, 1964
Time of Birth :-
05.18 am
Place of Birth :-
Beirut, Lebanon

  • Keanu Reeves was born with Leo Ascendant and the Lord of the Ascendant Sun is placed in its own sign with retrograde Mercury, Uranus and Pluto in his Natal Chart.
  • Sun in the First House indicates good fortune. He will be confident and determined. He will be famous and has reached to high position in life independently, without much support from anyone.
  • Moon is in the 11th House. So,he is wealthy, famous and socially active.
  • Keanu Reeves was born with Stellium of Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto in Leo, which gave him the star qualities. Such a Stellium in Leo magnifies the qualities of the sign of Leo. Thus, he is very versatile and creative as an actor. Many planets in Leo indicates that he is very passionate, energetic, genuine, creative and enterprising.
  • Stellium of planets in Leo sign indicates that he is born performer and is born to be under the spotlight.
  • The Venus is in the Sign of Cancer which is an excellent factor for an actor. He would be able to express emotions very well through the art (of acting) he possesses.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Keanu Reeves and wishes him a most happy birthday.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Kashyap Rawal
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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