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The benevolent Jupiter may bring back the lost love between Justin and Selena, says Ganesha…

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez! Woah! This ‘couple’, may be unarguably the first couple in the world to have made so many headlines at such a young age and to have also seen so much of stardom in the age, wherein other teens would have been either lazing around or would have been trying to figure out what their fields of interest are! Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez fans went on an excited dizzy when they saw photos of the two hanging out together. Justin and Selena have always been in the public eye ever since the two had dated and their fans are still hopeful that the duo will be back together now that they are both single. Ganesha takes a look at the Natal Birth Charts of both the starlets and checks out what the love stars indicate. Let’s take a look…

Date of Birth:- 01st March 1994
Time of Birth:- 00.56 A.M.
Place of Birth:- London, Ontario, Canada


Date of Birth :- 22nd July , 1992
Time of Birth :- 07.19 A.M.
Place of Birth :- Grand Prairie , Texas ,USA


Will Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez get back as a couple?

  • Currently, Jupiter transiting through the sign of Leo, will be aspecting the stellium of Planets Sun, Mars, Venus and Saturn in the chart of Justin. Mars is Lord of the Ascendant and Venus (significator of love) is the Lord of 7th house, related with marriage matters, in the Natal Chart of Justin Bieber.
  • In the Natal Chart of Selena Gomez, Jupiter transiting over Natal Jupiter posited in the Leo Sign, which will be aspecting her Natal Rahu with its 5th aspect and her Moon, the Lord of the Ascendant posited in the House of occupation – 10th House.
  • Considering the Planetary transits mentioned above, Ganesha feels that chances of Justin and Selena coming back together as a couple – are very high.
  • They will be able to sort out the differences amicably.
  • Due to the negative influences of Rahu and Saturn in the Natal Charts of the two young stars, though both of them may get back together, they may not be able to spend a lot of time with each other, owing to their busy work schedules and professional commitments.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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