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Jay Z will have to try something novel and innovative in the year ahead, advises Ganesha…

Jay Z – American Rapper and Record Producer
Date of Birth :- 04th December, 1969
Time of Birth :- 00.10 Hrs
Place of Birth :- Brooklyn, NW, USA


  • Jupiter will be transiting over his Ketu through the Ascendant, and it will be aspecting his Saturn in the 9th House and his Rahu in the 7th House in his Natal Chart, till 11th August, 2016.
  • Rahu will be transiting over his Moon in the 2nd House, till 30th January, 2016. Post this period Rahu–Ketu will be in half return phase in his Chart.
  • Saturn will be transiting over his Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 4th House, it will be aspecting his Mars in Capricorn and also his Ketu during the entire year ahead.
  • He will be under the influence of the major period of Jupiter and sub period of Moon till 6th April, 2016. Post this period sub period of Mars will begin.

  • There will be a higher influence of the transiting Saturn and Rahu-Ketu in his Natal Chart in the year ahead.
  • He will constantly be feeling that he has not been performing upto his real calibre. A feeling of discontenment from within will make things a bit disturbing from him. But, he is being protected from bigger problems and hassles due to the benefic influences of the the major period and sub period Lords – Jupiter and Moon. And the sub period of Moon shall be in operation for him till 6th April, 2016. Post this period, the sub period of Mars will give him excellent career progress.
  • He may have to practice vigorously for and will have to experiment with new areas as well.
  • He should be cautious in his financial matters.
  • Married life will have to be dealt with carefully and he will have to be very patient with his better half.
  • He may have to be cooperative with his female co-stars and will need to be accommodative with the people with whom he works with.
  • He will be fortunate and happy with his career progress post 6th April, 2016 and be able to enjoy better days in his family life also.

Ganesha wishes good luck to Jay Z on his birthday.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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