In Bollywood, the market was hot in recent times so Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor and actress Katrina Kaif have seen together once again after a long time after their breakup. The interesting thing is that now their romance will not be seen in real life but in reel life. ‘Murder’, ‘Barfi! ‘, ‘ Gangster ‘; And director Anurag Basu, who gave films like ‘Life in a… Metro, has brought the pair of Ranveer and Katrina on screen in his film ‘Jagga Jasoos’. Anurag himself is the writer of this film. The role of Adah Sharma in the comedy-drama film Jagga Jasoos is also of importance. Time will tell how successful the film ‘Jagga Jasoos’ will be, but what about the prospects of your business? Find out with our personalized Services 2023 Business Report.
The film depicts the story of a teenage detective who is on a hunt for his missing father. Bollywood actor Govinda will be seen as a guest star in this film after a long time. However, the film came into the limelight due to actor Govinda’s displeasure with the makers of the film for his role being cut. Keeping in view the planetary positions at the time of the release of the movie ‘Jagga Jasoos’, the narration of the film from an astrological perspective is presented here.
‘Jagga Jasoos’
Movie Release Date: 14 July 2017
Release time: 9.00 am
Release Location: Mumbai, India
Horoscope of the movie ‘Jagga Jasoos’
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Planetary positions and their effects
Udaya Rashi is Leo on the date of the release date of the Indian Bollywood movie ‘Jagga Jasoos’ horoscope. The owner of the horoscope is sitting on the friend zone in the Gemini sign of the Sun benefic house. After this, Guru is situated at the place of wealth by becoming the fifth lord and the eighth lord. The eleventh house of the horoscope is called the benefic house. The presence of the Sun at the profit point indicates a response from the audience of the film. According to astrology, it is necessary to keep in mind the second, ninth, and eleventh positions of the horoscope for revenue. The presence of Devguru Brihaspati himself in the second place is a good thing. But, due to being also called the eighth lord of the guru, here it will not be able to give as much fruit as it should. The film will earn, but not so much that it can dominate the box office with its huge earnings. Apart from this, the lord of the ninth-place i.e. the place of fortune, the commander Mars is sitting in the expenditure place. The presence of Mars here is an indicator of not giving with luck. Earning is as important for films as it is for a common man. If you want to know the future of your financial position.
Rahu in the ascendant and Ketu in the seventh house is not good
Those who have knowledge of astrology will examine the horoscope of this release time of the film ‘Jagga Jasoos’, then they will say that Rahu is in the Lagna and Ketu’s partnership place is a negative aspect of the horoscope. Due to this bad effect of shadows, some kind of problem may arise regarding sharing of earnings with film distributors and financial partners. There is also a possibility that some of the team members of the film remain dissatisfied with the situation.
The performance of the artists will be praised
Venus is in its own house in the tenth house of the horoscope. This clearly shows that the cast of ‘Jagga Jasoos’ has worked hard to do justice to the film. But here the worrying thing is that Saturn sitting in front of it i.e. in the fourth position of the horoscope is directly looking at Venus at the tenth place. Because of seeing this place of Shani, even if the actors perform well, they will not be able to convert it into earnings. The script of the film can be considered responsible to some extent. The interesting thing is that with the seventh aspect of the Sun on the fifth house, one can expect the performance of the film’s lead actors Ranbir Kapoor, Katrina Kaif, and Ada to be good. To be honest, Ranbir and Katrina’s strong acting in this film can open new doors for careers. The film critics will surely love the character played by him in the film.
With the blessings of Ganeshji,
Prakash Pandya
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