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Ishaa Koppikar to remain happily married, says Ganesha


The onset of winters has also led to the urge among celebrities to get married. And boy they are getting married. A week after Shilpa Shetty tied the knot with Raj Kundra, actress Ishaa Koppikar exchanged nuptial vows with her long-time beau Timmy Narang on Sunday, November 29. But unlike the great pomp and media frenzy revolving the Shilpa-Raj wedding, Ishaa and hubby kept it short (Yes… Four hours is a short period if you are talking about a traditional Maharashtrian wedding), sweet and simple. The two got married at the ISKCON Temple in Juhu in a private ceremony attended by only close friends and family members.

The two looked happy together and Timmy Narang said that he couldn’t wait to get married. Will the marriage survive the wear and tear that comes with being a celebrity, or will they eventually become equally impatient to get separated?

Ganesha uses Vedic Astrology method to find out.

Ishaa Koppikar
19th September, 1976
Bombay, Maharashtra, India
Ishaa Koppikar Surya Kundli

29th November 2009
11 hours 00 min.
Bombay, Maharashtra, India
Horoscope of the time to tie the knot

Astrological Points

  • As Timmy’s birth details are unavailable, Ganesha has done the analysis bases Ishaa’s Surya Kundli and wedding time chart.
  • Ganesha notes that Libra’s Universal Zodiac’s 7th sign of partnership is afflicted in Ishaa’s chart.
  • Venus, the significator of love, is placed with Mars, the catalyst, in Ishaa’s chart
  • Currently, transiting Jupiter is aspecting the stellium of planets in Virgo, including Venus
  • In the wedding time chart, Jupiter, a natural benefic, aspects the 7th House of marriage but a debilitated Mars is also placed in the same House. The Lord of 7th House, Moon is placed in Aries, which is the sign of beginning.

Astrological Predictions

  • As Libra sign is afflicted in Ishaa’s chart, it indicates that she might have had a relationship break up in the past. There were rumours that she had an intimate relationship with Indra Kumar but things went bad between the two.
  • Venus-Mars conjunction, which is also a part of the stellium of planets (group of planets) in Virgo indicates that Ishaa was destined to have love marriage, but not before a lot of thinking and soul searching before deciding to marry Timmy Narang, feels Ganesha. This is because Venus and Mars both are placed in Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury’s the planet of logic, analysis and intellect.
  • Ganesha notes that debilitated Mars is placed in 7th House of wedding time chart. This indicates that her partner Timmy may be highly emotional. However, as Jupiter is aspecting the 7th House of marriage in the wedding time chart, the couple is likely to handle the relationship wisely. Though they may undergo some rough patches, they will manage to sail through difficulties.
  • The lord of 7th House, Moon is placed in Aries in the 4th House of the wedding time chart. This indicates that both of them believe in strong family ties, although they may appear to be giving priority to their respective careers. They are likely to work hard on their career as well as their relationship.
  • As there is exchange of 7th House and 4th House Lords Moon and Mars, the couple may buy a big house/office or any premise soon after their wedding. Their financial condition will also improve after their marriage.

In short, Ganesha finds the relationship to be intense and long-lasting, and the couple will enjoy conjugal bliss.

Ganesha wishes happy married life to Ishaa Koppikar and Timmy Narang.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,

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