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Hugh will shine bright after March 2016, courtesy Rahu Mahadasha-Venus Antardasha, says Ganesha…

Hugh John Mungo Grant or simply Hugh Grant as we know him, is one of the most popular names of the Hollywood and he is an actor who does not conform to the ‘film-star’ mindset! He is known in the industry to be very unconventional and as the one who approaches his films like a method actor or rather as a character actor and he enacts his role by living the character itself! No wonder his performances are a delight for any movie-buff! With a great rebel within his being, Hugh is a real innovative artist with very interesting acting elements spruced with great comic skills – that consist of unique sarcasm-irony, a practice of enacting roles with studied physical mannerisms and some out-of-the-box thinking. He has received a Golden Globe, a BAFTA and an Honorary Cesar. His films have earned USD 2.4 Billion from 25 theatrical releases and he is still going strong! This solid star celebrates his Birthday on 9th September, so Ganesha understands the astrological profile of this star and presents the predictions for the year ahead! Read on…

Hugh Grant9th September, 19607:30 AMHammersmith Hospital, London (U.K.)


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  • Hugh Grant is born with Virgo Ascendant. Debilitated Venus is placed with exalted Mercury in the Ascendant, so it creates Neech Bhang Raj Yoga! This is one of the most prominent astrological highlights of his Chart and is the most striking reason behind his phenomenal success.
  • Virgo Ascendant makes him very logical, analytical, meticulous, refined and organized in his approach. It has been said that he prepares himself very well before going to the sets of the films. Moreover, he is a perfectionist and would demand many takes until he is satisfied with his performance. These traits get reflected very significantly in his personality because of Virgo Ascendant and Mercury (Ascendant Lord)’s exaltation.

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  • Hugh will be under the influence of Rahu major period and sub period of Ketu which will rule till 25 March 2016. Rahu is in the 12th house of his chart and Ketu is in the 6th house. Considering this, Ganesha feels that Hugh will have to take very good care of his health till 25th March, 2016. He will also have to see to it that there are no legal hassles. Unexpected financial expenses are also most likely.
  • After 25th March 2016, Venus sub period will start ruling in the major period of Rahu. Venus is the Lord of the 2nd House of finance as well as the Bhagya Sthana (Fortune House) Lord, so this sub period will remain highly favourable for him. He will rise and shine with more flourish and spark. His performance in the movies will be appreciated. He may also sign new films after that. Complications in his personal life are going to reduce to a considerable extent after January 2016. His romantic relationships will then become less complex and more enjoyable. However, his equations with his colleagues are likely to change after January 2016 and he might decide to stop working with some directors or production companies.
  • Hugh will remain selective in case of films during the year ahead and that will help him give his best to his work, says Ganesha.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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