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How much of glitz and glitter in store for Bollywood in 2011? Ganesha finds out.

How much of glitz and glitter in store for Bollywood in 2011?  Ganesha finds out.

When it comes to the great Indian junta, two things can be safely be titled as timeless classics Bollywood and cricket. These two categories that are now akin to well-established brands have managed to capture the minds and rule the hearts of millions of Indians, not only in India but across the world. And, not only that! The actors and cricketers have gained so much favouritism that they are a part of many a life. While the cricket fever is bound to have
its share of controversies and resulting crests and troughs, movie mania has almost always managed to sustain its place in people’s hearts. A movie is till date high on agenda when it comes to the weekend fun!

2010 has more or less proved to be quite a good year for Bollywood, especially with two recent major hits ‘Dabangg’ and ‘Robot’. Will this winning momentum and triumphant mood continue in the coming year too? Let’s check out how will India’s biggest entertainment industry Bollywood fare in the year 2011? What will be the fate of some of the much touted Hindi blockbusters lined up for release in the coming months?

Astrology can answer myriad questions related to Bollywood’s future, what with its near accurate predictions. Venus is the prime significator of arts. Secondary significator of arts was Neptune for many years. Silver Bromide, the chemical used to process film or photograph during the developing process is also ruled by Neptune. Today, the Indian film industry has gone the digital way, and Neptune has taken a back-seat; but it (Neptune) cannot completely be ignored, as in India till today many of the films are processed in the traditional way. Then, the negative of the film is edited or
captured to a digital machine, and finally the print that they come up with is shown in the cinema halls. Here, Ganesha explains Bollywood’s year ahead based on Venus and Neptune’s transit.

Ganesha feels that till December 2010, Bollywood will come up with more interesting, unique and romantic subjects along with some action films. Box office registers will keep ringing and shall experience a huge rush of movie-goers till the year end.

January and February can be a little sluggish with very few good films hitting the screens, foresees Ganesha. However, again from the first week of March 2011 till the second week of May 2011, stars seem to be in favour of the industry, as this period may see some of the real good movies hitting the theatres. Expensive films made with big budgets are likely to release during this period, feels Ganesha.

The month of June – 2011 is going to be highly beneficial for Bollywood. Movie buffs will have a chance to view some intelligent cinema, with good concepts, and box office returns too may peak, feels Ganesha.

From July to mid-August 2011, the period does not seem promising enough. The spotlight may dim on the Hindi film industry, as Ganesha feels that the movies that will release will be average budget movies, and may not pick up well at the box-office.

From mid-August 2011 till the end of the year, the glitter is likely to return to Bollywood. In 2011, Ganesha feels that we may get an advantage of classy and entertaining cinema. Ganesha also feels that during the year ahead, Bollywood films will throng the international market or may become internationally acceptable and acclaimed.

Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless the Indian film industry with more successful and entertaining films.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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