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Opening to Packed Houses, Ghayal Once Again will be able to strike well, bode the stars!

Opening to Packed Houses, Ghayal Once Again will be able to strike well

The sequel to the 1990 action drama Ghayal, ‘Ghayal-Once Again’ has been running into some roadblocks. Directed by Sunny Deol and produced by his father Dharmendra, it was scheduled to release in November 2015, but got delayed due to technical problems and was rescheduled to release in January, which again did not materialize, and now finally it is to release on February 5. Sunny Deol had hired Hollywood action co-ordinator Dan Bradley for designing action sequences. The film is about how four teenagers out on a photography expedition, accidentally record a murder on camera. The footage turns out to be explosive as it clearly shows two of the city’s most powerful peoples involved in the murder. What happens after this is a series of twist and turns where the four kids get entangled and have to fight it out with the most powerful man of the city, and Sunny Deol in the lead role tries to save them. Ganesha here takes a peek at how the film will fare…

Release time chart, Main Territory, Mumbai

Astrological Observations:

  • ‘Ghayal Once again’ will be releasing with Pisces Ascendant.
  • Lord of Ascendant – Jupiter will be retrograde in the 6th House with Rahu.
  • Moon and Venus will be favourably placed in the 10th House.
  • Lord of the House of fortune – Mars, though is in the 8th house, it’s in exchange with Saturn. That way, Saturn becomes Anyo Anya Uchcha (Saturn exalts by the virtue of exchange).
  • Jupiter becomes Anyo Anya Neecha as Jupiter is in the sign ruled by Sun and Sun is in Jupiter’s sign of debilitation.

Astrological Predictions:
The Movie Electrifying the Masses?

  • As there is a Stellium of three planets Venus, Moon and Mercury in the 10th House of success, film is going to enjoy a good start. It will be able to do good business in the opening weekend. Due to the placement of the Sun in the 11th House and the aforementioned cluster of planets in the 10th House, the film will enjoy great popularity and even on social media there will be a lot of discussion related to this movie.

Business Prospects:

  • Ganesha feels that Ghayal Once again is likely to do well in India and foreign lands both, as 12th House Lord Saturn and 9th House Lord Mars are in exchange.


  • Though good business is foreseen for the movie, it may face some financial struggle initially, in some territories, but it will come out of it as soon as it crosses first weekend or at the most the first week.
  • This film’s business however cannot be compared with ‘Ghayal’. Ganesha feels that first weekend’s business will also be remarkable. Second week onwards, there will be a slight drop in the business.
  • Ganesha strongly feels that overall business of the movie will be good.

Performances and Dialogues:

  • Moon – the 5th House Lord is in a fiery sign in the 10th House with Venus and Mercury so performance of actors and dialogue delivery are likely to be good.

The areas to look out for:

  • Ganesha predicts that the Cinematography and Action parts will be the bright areas of the film and may win the applause of the masses.

Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless the cast and crew of ‘Ghayal Once Again’.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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