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Ganesha predicts Ups and Downs for Jody Foster in 2008

Ganesha predicts Ups and Downs for Jody Foster in 2008

Jody Foster is an American actress, who is two-time recipient of Academy Award. She has now declared her lesbian status openly. Ganesha reads books of astrology to know the future of this talented actress.

Jody Foster has Scorpio Ascendant and the Lord of Ascendant Mars is placed in the 9th house in debilitation with Rahu. So she is high-spirited, enthusiastic, and exuberant, adventurous and likes exploring new territory, and not happy confined to the same safe and, secure little world all the time. She is strong restlessness and looking for something greater than anything yet experienced and often tends to live in dreams and visions for the future.

Interests and Abilities
She has Moon conjunct Uranus and Moon is placed in its own Navmansa making her charming, extremely beautiful and graceful. It also makes her very sensitive, cautious, and shy about showing others her feelings. Though she may love and care for someone a great deal, she very rarely express those feelings openly and freely. So, it has long been rumoured that Foster is a lesbian, but the “Silence of the Lambs” star has always refused to discuss her sexuality. As Moon-Uranus-Pluto is placed in the 10th house, her relationship has always been the talk of the town but she always refused to reveal her relationship in public.

Her sexuality
She has retrograde Venus placed in its own sign Libra with Neptune and Venus-Neptune are in square with debilitated Mars. So, Jodie has an unusual sense of humour and enjoys acting a little bit crazy or unconventional sometimes. It also indicates craving for excitement and emotional freedom and she likes to break the rules and traditions and take risks, which is manifested in the roles that she played in the films and in personal life as well. Anything new or unorthodox appeals to Foster and she has little patience for restrictive customs. Jodie Foster is attracted to unusual, creative, or offbeat people and unorthodox lifestyles and relationships. Venus-Neptune-Saturn conjunction in Aries Navmansa is also responsible for her lesbian relationship with Cydney Bernard. Watch the Venus conjunct Neptune for the secrecy or discretion.

Success and Fame
Moon Opposition Jupiter in her chart are forming Gajakesari Yoga giving her name, fame and success.
She is currently passing through Rahu Mahadasha and Rahu Bhukti. Rahu tends to reveal the scam or secrets. This seems to correspond with her statement revealing the truth of her relationship. The transiting Jupiter is moving in trine to natal Moon the Lord of 9th house(house of luck), which confer the honour. In solar return chart she has Venus placed in the 4th house in Libra and she is currently passing through Venus Mudda Dasha, which is largely responsible for the honour and award she received on 4th of December.

Future predictions
She has to be very careful about her health between February and July 2008. Due to emotional attachments or emotional issues, her mind will be upset and she might feel very blocked or in a fixed situation, this may make her feel uncomfortable mentally and harm her physically as well. She should not take any physical risk in that phase and also be extra careful while driving vehicle, as she is prone to accident around June 2008.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,