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A period of creative flourish awaits Farah and we can expect great films from her in 2016!

Farah shall shine as a part of the Jury in Cairo, but should be more careful about the subtleties!Farah Khan – the flamboyant Choreographer-Director-Actor will be seen donning a new hat, that of a part of the jury in the Cairo International Film Festival. After her last directorial venture in Happy New Year, we haven’t seen much from her of late. What does the cosmos have in store for this talented film-maker, who can make the stars groove to her golden moves? Find out in the article…

The festival will run from November 11 to 20.
Farah Khan
Date of Birth :- 09th January, 1965
Time of Birth :- Not Known
Place of Birth :- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of Farah, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of her birth-date and birth-place only.]

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1) How will this flamboyant choreographer and director fare on the international circuit?

  • Transiting Jupiter will be giving 5th aspect to her Natal Sun, Mercury and Venus. This is very important aspect of transiting Planet.
  • The transiting Jupiter will also be aspecting her Natal Jupiter posited in the Sign of Aries.
  • Mars, Venus and Rahu will be transiting over her natal Mars in Virgo sign.
  • The Moon and Saturn will be transiting over her Ketu and will be aspecting her Rahu in Taurus sign.
  • The Sun and Mercury will be aspecting her Jupiter.

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  • Considering the planetary transits explained above, Farah Khan will be outstanding as a jury member. However, mood swings may lead to temperamental issues so she must remain more careful.
  • She would be expressing her opinion very intelligently and with due wisdom but ideally she should also take more time to give any verdict and should ponder over the subtle aspects.
  • Her judgements will be impartial.

2) Will she be able to make good films in the year ahead?
Important astrological observations:

  • Transiting Jupiter will be aspecting her natal Sun, Mercury and Venus till 11th August, 2016.
  • Rahu will be transiting over Mars in Virgo Sign till January 2016.

Astrological Predictions:

  • She will remain busy with new projects and good films specifically after January 2016.
  • We can expect her to deliver some great hits in 2016, says Ganesha!

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Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Farah Khan for Cairo International Film Festival and also for her upcoming projects.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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