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The year ahead may be a testing phase for the beautiful Dakota…

Dakota Johnson
Date of birth :- 04th October, 1989
Birth Time :- 14.49
Place of Birth :- Austin , TX, USA


Important Astrological Observations:

  • Transiting Jupiter will be aspecting her Ascendant and Natal Saturn till 11th August, 2016.
  • Rahu will be transiting over her Natal Sun, Mars and Mercury till January 2016.
  • Saturn will be transiting over her Natal Moon and Venus till January 2017. It will be aspecting her Natal Rahu in her Natal Chart.
  • She will be under the influence of Ketu major period and Venus sub period till 12th October, 2015. After that sub period of Sun will be in operation till 17th February, 2016; followed by sub period of Moon, which will operate till 17th September, 2016

Astrological Predictions:

What lies ahead for her?

  • Considering the planetary transits and planetary periods mentioned above, Ganesh feels that Dakota will be passing through a trying period during the next one year. This is because of the influence of negative planets.
  • She is likely to face some obstacles in her career.
  • She will have to work very hard at the career front to maintain her image as a model and as an actress.
  • The appreciation that she will be expecting may not come her way in the year ahead, owing to the malefic influences.
  • The brighter side is that, the time after January 2016 will be favourable for her. She will find her career graph shooting up after that.
  • She will have to take good care of her health during the year ahead.
  • She may have to travel a lot for work, during the year ahead. Travelling though may prove to be beneficial but on the flip-side, may also generate a lot of stress.

Ganesha wishes good luck and bright future ahead to Dakota Johnson.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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