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Boman will be on the hunt for good scripts and he may not get deserved appreciation in 2016!

Boman Irani – Bollywood Actor
Date of Birth :- 02nd December , 1959
Time of Birth :- Not known
Place of Birth :- Bombay, Maharashtra , India


[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of Boman, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth-date and birth-place only.]

  • Transiting Jupiter will be aspecting his Saturn posited in Sagittarius in his Chart, till 11th August, 2016.
  • Rahu will be transiting over Natal Rahu till 30th January, 2016. Ketu will be transiting over his Ketu during this time period in his Chart.
  • Saturn will be transiting over his Sun, Swagruhi Mars, Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio in his Chart during the entire year ahead.

  • Boman is likely to reel under the pressure of the transiting Saturn and also Rahu-Ketu.
  • The kind of stature and acting calibre that he actually possesses and the kind of response that he may receive for the performances in films will be not match and this may cause some frustration for the stalwart actor! This will be applicable to especially those films that will release prior to 30 January, 2016.
  • He may start receiving better acknowledgment and appreciation for his performances and work post the above mentioned period.
  • He may have to put in his best efforts and will have to make the best use of his contacts to get new projects and even if he gets new offers, he may not be happy and impressed with the scripts.
  • He may not be able to cope up with the schedules of new assignments that he may sign.
  • He should watch out for his health problems.
  • Stress, tension and exhaustion may get the better of him and he will be prone to temperamental issues.
  • He would be happy and will enjoy great time with his family members during the year.

Ganesha wishes good luck to Boman Irani on his birthday.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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