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Black Widow Released in India: A Look at Scarlett Johansson’s Horoscope

Black Widow Released in India: A Look at Scarlett Johansson’s Horoscope

Marvel’s Black Widow is about to be released in India. The movie will be dubbed in many languages for Indian audiences, including Hindi. It stars Scarlett Johansson in the lead role and will be available on Disney’s online platform. In the movie, Scarlett Johansson plays the character of Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff.

Black Widow has already been released internationally, where Scarlett Johansson was widely praised for her performance in the movie. Looking at her horoscope, she has always been on the good side of the planets. And for this reason, people have always appreciated her performances. These planets also indicate a direction towards politics, but there’s still a long way to go in that direction.

Scarlett was born on Nov 22, 1984, in New York. As many as four planets are exalted in her horoscope. Among those, some malefic planets are also included. The exaltation of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars in the horoscope makes her ambitious. Auspicious planets like Jupiter and Venus are together in the house of finance.

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Jupiter is the lord of the fifth house. This house governs her performances. The presence of Jupiter with Venus makes her skillset even stronger. Jupiter is also in its own sign, Sagittarius. All these exalted planets indicate an interest in public life, especially politics. However, she should wait for some time before diving into politics. Planets also indicate a troubled married life due to Rahu’s placement in her Surya Kundli.

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