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Starry times ahead on professional front, foresees Ganesha for the Hollywood heartthrob Ben Affleck. 

Starry times ahead on professional front, foresees Ganesha for the Hollywood heartthrob Ben Affleck.

Date of Birth :- 15th August, 1972
Time of Birth :- 02.53 A.M.
Place of Birth :- Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Natal Chart

The following predictions have been done, basis the Solar Horoscope of the celebrity, as his Birth Time details are unavailable.

  • Ben Affleck would remain under the influence of the Saturn major period and Rahu sub period till 4th November, 2016. Saturn is in its friendly Sign in the 12th House of his Natal Chart. Venus is in Mercury’s Sign in his Ascendant House. Considering these factors, Ganesha feels that we will be seeing good performances by Ben in the coming times.
  • Jupiter’s transit over Ben’s Natal Mars through the 3rd House, aspecting the Natal Jupiter in his Solar Chart, till 11th August 2016 indicates that, despite his separation from his ex-wife Jennifer Garner, Affleck will be able to maintain cordial terms with her.
  • Rahu’s transit over his Natal Mars post January 2016, however, indicates that Affleck must try to be more careful about his health. Chances of an injury or accident are high.
  • Saturn has been transiting through the 6th House of his Solar Chart, so he will get roles for which he will need to work harder than ever, but this hard work will surely pay him good rewards.
  • Ben Affleck will continue to remain an apple of audience’s eyes, during the year ahead, feels Ganesha.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Ben Affleck on his birthday.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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