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Amyra’s stars are under the clouds currently; Post August 2016 will be a Golden Period!

Amyra’s stars are under the clouds currently; Post August 2016 will be a Golden Period!

Amyra Dastur
Date of Birth: 07th May, 1993
Birth Time: Not Known.
Place of Birth: Bombay, Maharashtra, India


  • Her Natal Sun and Venus are both exalted in her Chart. The Sun is in Aries sign and her Venus is in the Pisces sign.
  • Her Mercury is in conjunction with an exalted Sun.
  • Her Saturn is in its own Aquarius Sign.
  • There is an exchange of Signs between Mars and the Moon in the Chart.
  • Her Natal Jupiter and Venus are in opposition in the Chart.
  • Amyra’ s planets are favorably posited in her Chart. She would be giving her best to succeed in the Bollywood industry. She has been blessed with the exalted Sun and Venus which may make her expectations to become reality but she require to put in her true and hard efforts, as her natal Saturn gives negative aspect to the planets posited in the Aries sign and her Moon and Rahu in the Scorpio sign. To succeed in her goal she may have to compromise on various matters and constant struggle will only pay her the reward.
  • Though things will start looking up post January 2016, the real golden period for her will begin for her post the 11th of August, 2016, when the transiting Jupiter will enter the Sign of Virgo. Jupiter will be then moving over her Natal Jupiter and will be aspecting her Natal Venus. She will surely shine in this phase and will also come across good offers.

  • Transiting Jupiter is aspecting her Natal Saturn in Aquarius, and will be aspecting her planets in the Aries sign, till 11th August, 2016.
  • Saturn is transiting over her Moon and Rahu in Scorpio, will be aspecting her Ketu in the Taurus, during the entire year ahead.
  • Rahu is transiting over her retrograde Jupiter, till 30th January, 2016, Ketu will also be transiting over her Venus during this period. After this her Ketu will be transiting over her Saturn in her Chart.
  • Ganesha feels that owing to the negative influence of the transiting Rahu-Ketu and Saturn, her progress may remain stagnant. Till 30th January, 2016, things don’t seem too bright for her, as Rahu and Ketu will be transiting over her Natal Jupiter and Venus. She may not be able to take the right decisions in the coming months and even this may hamper her chances of coming across more fruitful assignments.

Ganesha wishes good luck and bright future ahead to Amyra Dastur.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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