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Venus-Rahu-Moon-Ketu in Opposition and the Venus-Mercury Exchange – Highlights of Amjad’s Chart!

Amjad Khan (Late)
Date of Birth: 12th November, 1940
Time of Birth: Not Known
Place of Birth:- Peshawar, Pakistan


[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of the celebrity, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth-date and birth-place only.]

  • As per Amjad Khan Solar Chart, the Sun is placed in Libra with a retrograde Mercury and Mars.
  • Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra gives him vast knowledge Arts and bestows upon him great creative calibre. This is one of the key combinations that made him a very intelligent actor with a great understanding of the requirement of the scripts and plots.
  • The Venus and Rahu conjunction gave him great creativity and ability to entertain. This combination gives a native great depths of imagination. One remarkable thing in the case of Amjad Khan is the association of two top-rank benefics – Moon and Venus with the nodes, that is Rahu and Ketu. This configuration gave him the ability to shine as the villain as there is a very important role that the malefics play in the creation of a villain character. We can never forget how brilliantly he portrayed the character of Gabbar Singh in the movie – Sholay! This is one of the most iconic character portrayals in Bollywood and is remembered and appreciated by one and all and it shall remain an evergreen role till eternity!
  • The exchange between Venus and Mercury is an excellent aspectfor an actor and also a blessing for the people in the creative, art and entertainment-glamour fields. This combination gives him great vision of art and innovative ideas.
  • The opposition of Moon and Venus is like an icing on the cake and blessed him a finer vision and understanding of art.

May Amjad Khan’s soul rest in peace.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Kashyap Rawal
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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