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Health issues and controversies may dull Big B’s dazzle in the coming months!

Ganesha’s special advice: “Do not over-stress! Relax and enjoy the time with family, and handle finances wisely.”The ‘Star of the Millennium’, ‘Shahenshah of Bollywood’ ‘Megastar of Indian Cinema’ – it is not 3 individuals that are being mentioned here, these are some of the titles used for one single man, the brilliant Amitabh Bachchan! The actor who completely changed the way superstars are defined in the Indian Film Industry, is some of the very few artists, who are as famous and successful even in their seventies as they were at their prime! India will be wishing this larger-than-life star on his birthday which falls on 11th October. What lies ahead for Big B? Let’s find out the planetary picture awaiting Big B in the year ahead…

Amitabh Bachchan
Date of Birth :- 11th October, 1942
Time of Birth :- 16.00 Hrs
Place of Birth :- Allahabad, UP, India


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  • Jupiter will be transiting over his Rahu posited in the 7th House till 11th August, 2016. It will be aspecting his Natal Ketu.
  • Rahu will be transiting over planetary Stellium in the 8th House of his Natal chart till 30th January, 2016. After that, he will be under the influence of Rahu-Ketu return.
  • Saturn will be transiting through the 10th House of his chart throughout the year and will be aspecting the Natal Saturn posited in the 4th House and also Rahu posited in the 7th House.
  • He will be under the influence of major period of Venus and sub period of Venus till 7th March, 2018.

Health wise, Be wise…

  • Big B will have to take very good care of his health during the year ahead, specifically because of Rahu-Ketu’s adverse transit over key planets in the 8th House. Chronic illnesses or some serious troubles are indicated.

Familial bonds…

  • Ganesha advises the stalwart to not stress himself too much! After all, it is not always about work and acting! Family matters too! The same Rahu-Ketu affliction may create situations of uncertainty in the Bachchan household too!

Finances – any worries?

  • Finance and property, may be the two things that may draw his attention more during 2016, feels Ganesha. Finances need to be wisely handled. Venturing into production may not be the right idea currently, says Ganesha!

Films and Bollywood…

  • Saturn’s transit through the 10th House indicates that he will do a few but good films during the year ahead. Due to the emphasis that Saturn makes a person put on quality rather than quantity, the ‘Shahenshah of Bollywood’ may be a bit more choosy and selective about the scripts.

The Big B Magic!

  • Venus is the Yogakaraka planet for him! What better than that for an artist! So, the ongoing Major-period and Sub-period of the planet of arts and entertainment – Venus, is likely to work like a catalyst in the process of further enhancement of Amitabh’s stardom! The magic of Big B is set to become more and more captivating in the years to come, affirms Ganesha!

Controversies – Beware!

  • Between February and August 2016, Bachchan Senior may be in for some unexpected controversies! Some old issue cropping up or someone trying to grab the limelight by maligning Big B? Oh, well! These may be some of the possibilities! Let’s hope he doesn’t get into sticky situations as the recent Twitter controversy!

Sensitive areas…

  • This is the last phase of Shani’s saade saati and as the current planetary transits are also adverse, he may suffer from some life-threating ailment or problems till January 2017! Therefore, Ganesha reiterates that Big B should pay best possible attention to his health!

Jupiter to the rescue!

  • Jupiter transiting through his 7th House, shall bring some respite, as it is also aspecting the Ascendant. The very Jupiter shall also ensure constant public support and also help and cooperation from friends.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Amitabh Bachachan.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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