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Ajay Devgan: a fifty-fifty year ahead

Ajay Devgan: a fifty-fifty year ahead

Winner of Best Debutant Award in his first film ‘Phool aur Kaante’ Ajay Devgan’s career graph has shaken a bit with ‘Sunday’ and ‘Halla Bol’ because both the movies gave a lacklustre performance across the India. Ajay’s forthcoming movies are ‘U, me aur Hum’, ‘Naam’ and ‘Golmal Returns’. Ganesha feels that Ajay Devgan’s 2008 is not going to be too bad and he has many scopes to rise and shine.
Ajay Devgan was born on 2nd April 1967 at Bombay and his time of birth is unavailable so Ganesha studies his Surya Kundli.

Ganesha observes that Ajay has Venus in Aries with Rahu, Square exalted Jupiter. Saturn is favourably posited in Jupiter’s sign. There is exchange between Jupiter and Moon. Currently, Saturn and Ketu are transiting over Natal Uranus and Pluto and Rahu is transiting over Mercury. His Sun sign in Vedic Astrology System is Pisces and its Lord Jupiter remains favourable throughout the year, plus it is going to transit over Natal Moon. Rahu and Ketu are changing position in the month of April so Ketu will be passing over his Natal Jupiter and Rahu through the 11th house from Sun.

Considering all the planetary positions explained above, Ganesha feels that Ajay is going to do averagely good in this year but he has scope of giving very few hits till first half of the year. In later part of the year Ajay Devgan will be able to perform well. Ajay is definitely a man with lot of potential because he is born with Venus in Aries in Bharani i.e. Venus’ own Constellation. He should focus more on action packed or thriller type of movies, feels Ganesha because Venus although is in own constellation but is in the detrimental sign.

Till the month of June 2008 he is not likely to give a super duper hit movie but at least one movie may do well. However, in the second half his stars are much better hence a good movie with marvellous performance can be expected between June to December 2008. Ganesha also feels that Ajay may be nominated for some awards for 2008 however chances of winning award are lesser. His directorial debut ‘U, me aur Hum’ may do ‘better than average’ kind of business on the box office.

Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless Ajay Devgan a very good year with this 41st Solar Return of his life.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,

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