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Will Abhishek Bachchan manage to woo the audiences with his upcoming films? 

Will Abhishek Bachchan manage to woo the audiences with his upcoming films?

Bollywood actor Abhishek Bhachchan is all set to appear in Umesh Shukla’s film All is Well. Shukla of the OMG – Oh My God fame is said to have made this one (All is Well) too on a thorny social issue. Bachchan himself appears on the silver screen after a gap of almost a year, after his comic role in the film Happy New Year. Will AB junior manage to charm the audiences with his road trip movie All is Well? What lies ahead in future for this actor? Ganesha looked at his Solar Horoscope to reveal….

Abhishek Bachchan
Date of birth – 05th February, 1976
Birth Time – Not Known.
Place of Birth – Bombay, Maharashtra ,India


The following predictions have been done, basis the Solar Horoscope of the celebrity, as his Birth Time is unavailable.

  • Ganesha observes that Jupiter will be transiting over Abhishek’s Natally retrograde Saturn, through the 7th House in his Solar Chart, till 14th July, 2015. Transiting Jupiter has been aspecting his Natal Sun and Jupiter in this transit.
  • After 14th July, 2015, the transiting Jupiter will move to the Zodiac Sign Leo, and then, it will aspect Bachchan Junior’s Natal Ketu, Venus and Mercury.
  • The transiting Saturn has been aspecting his Natal Sun and Mars currently.
  • Upto January 2016, Ketu will be transiting over Bachchan’s Natally Swagruhi Jupiter in his Solar Chart.

1) What do the stars indicate for Abhishek?
  • Due to the planetary transits mentioned above, Abhishek’s performance in the film All is Well is verylikely to be appreciated.
  • He will also manage to get some big budget or big banner films, post 14th July, 2015.
  • As the transiting Jupiter will be aspecting his 12th House (of distant places) and the 2nd House (of finances) in his Solar Chart, post 14th July 2015, his forthcoming films will do good business overseas, and his overall financial condition will also improve.
2) How will his future in Bollywood be?
  • During the year ahead, Abhishek is going to travel frequently abroad for work and leisure. He will also be able to have a good time with his family members.
  • His long term future in Bollywood looks quite good, because of the Mercury and Venus conjunction in Sagittarius Sign. The style of his dialogue delivery will be highly appreciated, because Mercury – the significator of communication is conjunct with Venus – the significator of arts/creativity in his Chart.
  • As the transiting Saturn will be aspecting his Natal Sun by 3rd aspect till January 2017, he will have to be patient, as there may be some struggle, in his race to get good films. He must also be willing to work harder. After that period, though, AB’s time looks much better.
3) How is the next one year going to be for his films? Will his performances garner appreciation?
  • The time till January 2016 may not be that good for Abhishek, due to the adverse planetary transits. Films releasing after that time, though, may do better business as compared to the films releasing before Jan 2016.
  • Abhishek’s performances will garner appreciation, but the likelihood of the same shall be higher after January 2016. Films releasing before this time may not prove to be milestones in his career.

Ganesha wishes good luck to Abhishek Bachchan.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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