Introduction: The media, economists, financial experts, intellectuals, everyone seems to have an opinion about the global financial crisis and its ongoing effect. They keep debating on whether it would affect the Indian economy or not. However, Ganesha blatantly states âwhat goes around comes aroundâ, this global economic meltdown is going to influence the Indian economic sector too.
Indian Independence Chart
DOB – 15th August 2008
TOB – 00:00:00
POB – Delhi
Astro Analysis
The key question the Indian economy is facing now is the backwash effect of the American (or global) financial crisis. To determine the natal destiny of India regarding fiscal and liquidity issues observe the 2nd, 5th, 7th and the 11th house of India’s chart. Also, study the 6th and the 12th house for solvency and losses.
As per the Shadbala system note the following strengths in India’s chart
Bhava Bala
The total of the Bhav 2,5,7,11 is 21 which when divided by 4 gives 5.25
The total of the Bhav 6,12 is 15 which when divided by 2 gives 7.50
This means that the positive factors are stronger that negative factors by 59% : 41% in terms of ration analysis, this is though not a huge difference.
Let’s now study the strengths of the planets owning these houses as per the Shadbala system.
Shad Bala
Budha is the lord of the 2nd and the fifth house and its total strength is 4+4 = 8
The strength of Mangal, the lord of the 7th house is 3
The strength of Guru,the lord of the 11th house is 7
The average strength of the lord of the 2nd, 5th, 7th and 11th house is 18/4 = 4.5
The strength of Sukra, the lord of the 6th house is 5
The strength of Mangal, the lord of the 12th house is 3
The average strength of the lord of the 6th and 12th house is 8/2 = 4
Here the negative forces are a bit powerful than the positive forces by 53% : 47% in terms of ratio analysis.
Thus, all the positive factors indicating fiscal strength of India comes almost near to a range of 50 – 50, meaning it all depends on something else.
What does this depend on? Well, planets placed in these houses may play a major role.
Mangal the lord of the 7th house of business establishments as well as the lord of the twelfth house of losses and expenditure and foreign debts is placed in the 2nd house of national wealth, financial stability, strength of the currency, national income, budget and balance of trade. Mangal as per the Laghu Parashari system will work here more as the Kendra lord and not as the lord of the 12th house of losses. This means that Indian business establishments will be strong enough to set off the capital flight and bring in necessary finances in the system.
Also, mangal aspects the fifth house of stock exchange and speculative activities and indicates that money will flow directly and primarily into the stock exchange, reducing the necessity of FII funds.
Guru is in the sixth house of solvency and is the lord of the eighth house of evil and the lord of the eleventh house of negatives in general. Guru here will give malefic results as its MoolTrikona rashi is in the eighth house. There may thus be a case of high insolvency factor and as this Guru as such aspects the second house and Mangal, it may tilt India’s financial strength into negatives.
What Next?
Currently, transiting Guru is more powerful as it is in the eighth house in its own rashi and sign, till 8th December 2008. This implores Ganesha to believe that India will have to face a lot of liquidity and financial crunch till then.
Additionally Ganesha feels that from 30th November 2008 to 15th December 2008 there is a strong possibility of a good bull trend, or at least the markets may not slip further throughout this period, making people feel that the bad times are over, which will not be the truth.
When transiting Guru will come in conjunction with transiting Rahu and under the aspect of natal Rahu, the basic setting of a long-term bearish trend will emerge, bringing the fiscal strength of the nation and its denizens to its knees. For a nation like India, the year 2009, seems to be a period to tighten its belt and take stringent tight and tough measures.
Ganesha feels that the current global crisis is going to influence India too.
May Lord Ganesha bless us with good fiscal flows.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rikhav Khimasia